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Much to Harry's dismay, Draco was fine. Madame Pomfrey could re-grow bones overnight, afterall, so a scratch was no challenge for her - even if it was from an offended hypogriff. That didn't stop Draco from milking his injury for all it's worth, however.

And it was getting on Harry's last nerve.

"Hey Quinn, do you think if we put itching powder in Malfoy's cast he would take it off?" wondered Harry, stretched out on the common room sofa like a sleepy kneazle. "Or do you think he'd 'power through it'"

"That sounds lovely, Harry." Quinn replied absentmindedly. She was sat crossed legged on the floor in front of him, scribbling something into her notebook and leafing through A Beginners Guide to Transfiguration.

"So, should we do it? I'm sure Fred and George have some itching powder from Zonko's and they'll never say no to irritating Malfoy." Said Harry. He already knew how to get into the Slytherin common room, all he needed was Quinn to help him sneak into Draco's dormitory and get the itching powder into his cast without waking him or anyone else up. Easy.

"And then what happened?" Quinn murmured, still not looking up.

"Quinn? Are you even listening to me?" Harry frowned, moving to sit up.

"That's great."

"I'm dropping out of Hogwarts."


"I'm naturally blond."


"Flitwick and I are lovers on the downlow."

"Really, Harry?" said Ron, having just entered the common room. "I always thought you would choose McGonagall."

"What are you doing, Quinn?" asked Harry, flipping Ron off as he moved from the sofa to sit opposite the girl. He took the notebook from her hands, finally breaking her concentration and gaining her attention.

"Harry!" whined Quinn, reaching to grab her notebook back. "I'm trying to prepare for my tutoring session with Hackett."

Ron scowled and leaned back against the sofa.
"I don't like the idea of you tutoring him," he said. "Seamus said he's a complete prat."

"Seamus also said that about Dean in first year and now they're best friends," pointed out Quinn. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got an intimidating guy to teach."


And an intimidating guy Nicholas Hackett was indeed.

Quinn tapped the table in an indecipherable rhythm as she studied the boy in front of her. His hair reminded her of this muggle celebrity Hermione fancied... Lardo Carpito? Leon D'Capricorn? No, Leonardo DiCaprio! With Hackett's light brown curtains flopped to the sides, Quinn knew Hermione would be a stuttering mess over him if she were here. Normally Quinn would be the same, but his deep scowl was making her much too nervous to appreciate his undeniable beauty.

She had made a list of every topic in their curriculum and had earlier asked him to colour code his confidence in each one: green for confident, orange for unsure, and red for completely lost. She thought it was a good idea at the time, but now judging by his expression she wasn't sure.

"Is everything okay?" Quinn asked, unable to stand his scowl or the silence for much longer.

"Hmm?" He hummed, finally lifting his head from the list.

"You,... uh,... you look a bit,... distressed," said Quinn, mimicking his frown.

Hackett cracked a small smile and gave a slight shake of the head. "I'm sorry," he said, passing Quinn the list back. "I'm a bit embarrassed to say the majority of this is red."
And, sure enough, more topics than not had a little sparkly red dot next to it, courtsey of Quinn's glittery gel pens.

Quinn flashed him a smile and started flipping through a study guide. "Nothing to be embarrassed about, Hackett. I'm the same with History of Magic; we all have our strengths and weaknesses."

"Yes, but I am a Ravenclaw," argued the boy. "I'm meant to be clever."

Quinn gave him a sympathetic smile. "You are clever. You were top of the class in Herbology last year, and I know you tutor second years in Charms and Astronomy."

Hackett gave an unconvincing nod but Quinn didn't push him.

"When's your next transfiguration test?" She asked.

"End of November, we'll have an assessment on first and second year topics to refresh our memories. Same as you." He replied.

Quinn nodded and sat up in her seat. Hackett raised an eyebrow as Quinn made eye contact, determination set in her pretty blue eyes. "I'm going to help you get at least an A in this assessment. I promise."

Hackett snorted. "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to make promises you can't keep, Weasley?"

"I intend to keep my promises." Quinn said, not once looking away.

"I haven't gotten above a D or a P since last Christmas." He stated, pairing Quinn's committed stare with a disbelieving one of his own.

"Don't you trust me?" Frowned Quinn, amusement flashing over her face as he leaned forward.

"Alright, I trust you."



Idk how good this chapter is tbh, I've had serious writers block and I'm only a few chapters in aha.

Sorry about how long it took to update, I've been ill, busy, ill and busy again lol. Hope this story is going okay so far! Advice would be appreciated but just knowing people are reading means a lot to me!

Thank you! 💗

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