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The next morning, Harry, Ron, Quinn and Hermione had Divination for the first time.
Quinn hadn't heard much about the subject other than that it was easy get a good grade in as long as you make up a bunch of stuff. Quinn was a bit skeptical about this but was looking forward to giving the lesson a try.

It took a treacherous journey with thousands of steps and a crazy Knight, but Ron, Quinn, Hermione and Harry finally made it to a tiny landing where the rest of the class stood. On the ceiling was a trap door with a plaque on it.

"Sybill Trelawney, Divination teacher." Harry read. "How're we supposed to get up there?"

As soon he asked the question, the trapdoor suddenly opened, and a silvery ladder descended to the floor.

"I guess that's how," answered Quinn.

"Oi, Quinn why don't you go first!" hollared one of the boys in the crowd.

Quinn scowled in the direction of the voice and stuck up her middle finger.

"Let's all go up last, yeah?" said Ron, also glaring in his direction.

After everyone had gone up, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Quinn finally climbed up the ladder and emerged into the strangest classroom they'd ever seen. In fact, it didn't look like a classroom at all. It was filled with circular tables, armchairs and poofs, giving the room an old-fashioned teashop feel. The only light in the room came from lamps covered in red scarves, which bathed the room in a dim red light. The fire that burned in the corner of the room was giving off a heavy, sickly perfume and made the room far too warm to be comfortable.

Quinn thought the room was kinda nice and could be a lot more if the fire wasn't so distracting.

Quinn looked around the room but couldn't see the Professor anywhere.

"Am I going blind like Haz or is the Professor not in here?" wondered Quinn.

Harry playfully hit her arm.

"You're not going blind, where is she?" Ron said.

A soft, misty voice suddenly came out of the shadows, making Quinn jump at the sudden sound.

"Bloody hell." she gasped, clutching her heart.

"You're so dramatic." laughed Harry.

"Alright Mr 'there's no treacle tart the world is ending' Potter," Quinn shot back.

"I was having a bad day!"

"You're always having a bad day!"

"Please shut up!" whispered Ron, trying to get a look at the teacher hidden in the shadows.

Professor Trelawney moved into the firelight, and Harry's immediate impression was of a large, glittering insect. She was very thin; her large glasses magnified eyes to several times their natural size, and she was draped in a gauzy spangled shawl. She wore chains and beads around her neck and bangles and rings adorned her arms and fingers.

It wasn't Quinn's style but she respected her Professor for her fashion aesthetic. It was certainly fitting for her profession.

"Sit, my children, sit," said Trelawney, and everyone awkwardly sat down on the armchairs or poofs. Harry, Hermione and the twins sat down around the same round table. "So you have chosen to study Divination, the most difficult of all magical arts. I must warn you that if you do not have the Sight, there is very little I will be able to teach you... Books can only take you so far in this field."
Harry turned to Hermione and saw her clutching her book tightly, looking horrified.

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