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After that horrendous lesson, Harry wasn't in the best of moods.

"Wonder what life would be like if Merlin didn't hate me," said Harry darkly, his emerald green eyes focused on the floor as they walked to Transfiguration.

"It would be a lot less interesting that's for sure," said Hermione, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

Quinn grinned at Hermione, but she couldn't help but feel concerned about Harry. Quinn didn't really think of herself as a superstitious person, but she couldn't deny that the grim scared her.
This in mind, Quinn spun around and faced Ron. He met her gaze and rose an eyebrow.
'What' , he mouthed.
'Uncle Bilius', Quinn mouthed back.
Ron nodded and looked back at Harry, furrowing his eyebrows.

Quinn turned back around and let out a sigh. They couldn't go anything about it right now, she thought.

"I wouldn't worry, Har. Trelawney seemed like a right nutter," Quinn said, taking hold of his robe sleeve. "I liked her vibe though."

Harry smiled at Quinn but didn't reply. He was thinking that the grim thing coming up the same time as Black was not a good sign. Harry felt like he was always getting into some kind of trouble, and his friends were always getting dragged into it. He was afraid his friends were going to get hurt. That Quinn was going to get hurt. Quinn's his best friend. She knows him better than anyone, and always knows how to brighten up his day. Harry didn't know what he would do if she got hurt. Especially if it was because of him.

Despite leaving Divination early, the class had barely made it in time for Transfiguration. Harry chose a seat at the back of the room, dragging Quinn with him to sit next to him.

Throughout the lesson Harry felt like he was under a spotlight. The rest of the class kept on glancing at him as though he would drop dead any minute. Quinn knew he wasn't concentrating on the lesson, so she was writing out two sets of notes as she listened to McGonagall teach them about Animagi. Transfiguration was Quinn's favourite lesson by far, and the idea of being able to shift into an animal at will was fascinating to her. Her sapphire eyes widened in awe when McGonagall transformed herself into a tabby cat with spectacle markings around her eyes.

"Wicked," Quinn whispered, staring at the cat with admiration.
"Hey, Hermione," Quinn said quietly to the girl on the desk in front of her.

Hermione hummed lightly in acknowledgement, her quill continuing to scribble against the parchment without hesitation.

"If I were an animagus what do you think my identity markings would be?" said Quinn, still staring at her tabby-fied teacher.

"Well it depends on what your animagus would be I guess," said Hermione, finally putting her quill down.

Ron, who was listening, twisted around in his chair and studied his sister.

"I don't know, Quinn. There's not really anything remarkable about you," said Ron.

"Lovely, Ronald." scolded Hermione, flicking his forehead.

"I didn't mean it like that!" he laughed.

"Maybe you'd have freckle like markings," suggested Hermione.

"Hmm maybe," said Quinn thoughtfully.

They couldn't continue their debate though because McGonagall transformed back into her human self again.

"Really, what has gotten into you all today?" said McGonagall. "Not that it matters but that's the first time my transformation's got no applause from a class - it's too late now Miss Weasley."
Everybody's head turned back around toward Harry again, but nobody spoke. Then Hermione raised her hand.

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