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"Harry James Potter, wake the fuck up or I'll give the jumper I'm making you to Crookshanks!"

"I'm awake! I'm awake." groaned Harry, slowly opening his eyes and letting everything come back to focus. Harry blinked up and noticed the lights back on above him, and felt the vibrations of the train moving again on the floor.
'Wait a minute.' Harry thought. 'I'm on the floor. Why am I on the floor?'
He lay there for a moment in confusion before turning his head slightly to see his friends above him, each looking concerned.

"Are you alright, Har?" asked Quinn, helping the boy into a seated position against the seats though not letting him off the floor.

'No,' thought Harry. 'I feel sick and shaky and like I want to pass out again.'

"I'm fine." he said. "What happened? Quinn, why did you scream?"

Quinn and Hermione shared a look.

"I didn't scream, Harry." said Quinn, sitting next to him.

"No one did." added Ron.

"But I heard a scream." insisted Harry, resting his head on his knees he bought up to his chest.

A loud snap made everyone jump. Professor Lupin was breaking up a bar of chocolate, and began to give pieces to everyone. Harry hadn't even realised Lupin, Neville and Ginny were still there if he was being honest.

"Eat it." Lupin said. "It'll help."

"Chocolate always helps." Quinn joked weakly, but ate the treat quickly anyways.

"What was that thing?" Harry asked Lupin.

"A dementor." said Lupin. "One of the guards of Azkaban. I need to speak to the driver, excuse me."

"Thank you, Professor Lupin." said Quinn.

He smiled back at Quinn and then strolled past, disappearing into the corridor.

"Are you sure you're alright?" said Hermione, watching Harry anxiously.

"What happened?" asked Harry, deflecting the question. Quinn raised her eyebrows at him but didn't push. She just allowed him to lean against her as he recuperated.

"The cloaked thing stood there and - well - I think it looked around," explained Quinn. "I can't be sure, I mean, we couldn't see its face. Not that I'm complaining, I'd rather not see what was under it."

"I thought you were having a fit or something," said Ron who still looked scared. "You went sort of rigid and fell out of your seat and started twitching."
Quinn patted the floor to her left and Ron joined her and Harry. Ron let out a shaky sigh and rested his  head on top of Quinn's.

"Professor Lupin was amazing though," said Quinn. "He told the dementor to bugger off - maybe not those exact words but still - and when the dementor didn't move, Lupin muttered something and this pretty silvery thingy appeared and sort of chased the dementor away. "

"It was horrible," said Neville. "Did you feel how cold it was when it came in?"

"Oh, Nev that reminds me. I have a hat for you in my trunk. I was going to owl it to you but I don't like using Errol unless I need to. The poor thing's ready to retire." said Quinn from between her brother and her Harry.

"Thanks, Quinn! How much do you want for it?" asked Neville, looking slightly happier.

"Well, I need to include the price for the wool, and the time it took me to make it. It'll cost you three hugs. It's normally five but you get the friend discount."

"You're the best."

"I know. Harry haven't you eaten that chocolate yet?"

"Hmm?" asked Harry, distracted.

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