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In a small, cosy room in a chaotic, yet charming Inn, a girl sat on a king sized bed. The lilac bed sheet tickled her bare legs, and the barely working fan creaked as it spun.

The thirteen year old's messy red hair irritated her as it fell in her face, messing up her concentration. Her cyan blue eyes narrowed in thought.
Between her fingers lay a purple pencil, which danced across the parchment propped against her legs.
She was trying to draw her chameleon, Bosola, who was carefully posed on the pillow beside her, mimicking the lilac colour.

"Nearly there Bosy, I promise. I just need to-"


Just as Quinn was about to finish shading the neck, her twin brother Ron slammed the door open, startling her and making her pencil slice across the page, beheading her beautiful Bosola.

"Oh for the love of Merlin, Ronald, what?" sighed Quinn, tearing out the ruined drawing and throwing it to the bin... And missing it by 5 inches.

"We've found Harry. How the hell did you miss that, you're meant to be a chaser?" said Ron, raising a judgement brow.

"Shove off, the bin is further away than I thought! Where's Harry?" Quinn asked, excitiment overshadowing her previous frustration.

"Downstairs- oi!" he scowled as Quinn ran past him and down to the bar, nearly falling down the stairs as she went.

Quinn wasn't embarrassed to admit she had really missed Harry over the summer. He's her best friend. The Chandler to her Joey. The Percy to her Grover. The Shaggy to her Scooby. And she couldn't deny that she was worried about him being cooped up with those horrid Dursley's. Or as Quinn liked to call them, the Dumpster Dumplings. Hermione didn't really get that name but Harry found it funny.

When Quinn got to the bar she spotted Harry instantly. There he stood, talking to her brothers, Fred and George, with his back to her. With a small smirk on her face, Quinn quietly snuck towards her friend preparing to pounce. Fred had taken notice of his little sister, but chose not to say anything as she gave him a warning look. Then, with the grace of a cat, she leapt onto his back.

"Harold!" she squealed, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Quinnley!" he yelled back, laughing as he steadied himself and adjusted her properly on his back.

"I told you not to call me Quinnley." pouted Quinn, giggling as Harry spun them around.

"And I told you not to call me Harold. Its not even my name." Harry retorted, dropping Quinn ungracefully onto the table near them where Ron had sat down. Bosola sat uncomfortably on his head, his scaly skin the same vibrant red as Ron's hair.

"Are you gonna take this bloody lizard back, Quinn, or not?" Ron cut in, scowling at the creature on his head.
Quinn glared at Ron and carefully removed an orange Bosola from his head and replaced him on her shoulder.

"Don't be rude, Bosy doesn't want to be in your greasy hair anyway. Do you, honey?" she cooed to her chameleon.

"My hair is not greasy! I washed it this morning!" snapped Ron, his ears turning pink.

"Calm down Ronald," said Ginny, appearing next to Harry, "Quinn is just winding you up."
Ron just grumbled back, turning to talk to Hermione.

Quinn laughed at Ron's moody behaviour and turned back to Harry. However, Harry seemed a bit... distracted.

Now that Quinn was sitting before Harry instead of on his back, he could clearly see how much she had changed since second year.

The trip to Egypt had given her usually pale skin a tan, which made the cute freckles, sprinkled across her cheeks and nose, darker and more noticeable.
It took great effort for Harry not to stare at Quinn's tanned long legs, which were on display as she wore her favourite cherry red shorts, with daisy's embroidered on the back pockets. Harry was taken back to last year when Quinn proudly showed off the new skill, which had taken a lot of attempts, cussing and bleeding fingers. Tucked into her shorts Quinn wore one of George's old t-shirts, the sky blue fabric slightly baggy on Quinn's small frame. Stitched into the front pocket was the letter 'G' in dark green. Harry knew that Fred (well, now Ron) had the same shirt but with the colours inverted.
Overall, Quinn looked adorable, and Harry didn't want to look away.

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