- thirteen -

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While Quinn was having one of the best days of her life, Harry could not be more bored.
He'd been walking aimlessly around the castle, and was considering giving Hedwig a visit when a voice from inside a room called out to him, "Harry?"

Lupin looked around the rooms door and faced his old friends nearly identical son. "What are you doing? Where is Quinn, Ron and Hermione?"

"Hogsmede," said Harry, trying to keep the bitterness out of his voice.

"Mhm," said Lupin, raising an eyebrow. "Why don't you come in, do you like tea?"

"Uh, sure," said Harry. He followed Lupin into his office. In the corner stood a large water tank. A weird creature with sharp little horns and long spindly noticed Harry, and pressed his sickly face against the glass.

"What the fu- , erm, heck is that?" asked Harry, going to inspect the creature.

"He's a grindylow, a water demon," said Lupin, surveying Harry with amusement. "We'll be studying then next lesson."

Harry hummed and continued to look at the creature.

"I'm a bit concerned about Ron though," said Lupin, pulling a face at the grindylow through the glass. "He struggled a little with the Kappas last week, and these buggers are a little harder to defend yourself from."

Harry winced at the reminder of Ron having a strangle-off with the slimy creature.

"Anyway, how about that tea?" Lupin tapped his wand against a kettle, causing it to steam. "I'm sorry I only have tea bags, but I suspect you're fed up of tea leaves?"


"There you go," said Ron, "we got as much as we could carry."

Harry's eyes widened at the shower of sweets Ron and Hermione poured into his lap.

"Did you rob Honeydukes?" asked Harry, picking up a chocolate frog.

"No but Quinn probably did if she went," said Ron. "Talking of, where is she? I thought she'd be back by now."

"Nope," said Harry shortly, biting the head off his amphibian treat.

"Hmmm," hummed Ron, his face showing contorting into a displeased expression that looked very much like Mrs Weasleys.

"What did you get up to while we were gone, Harry?" Asked Hermione, quickly trying to distract Ron before he went on a Quinn-hunt.

Harry jumped as if he'd been electrocuted. "Lupin invited me to tea," he said, waving his liqorice wand around. "And at some point Snape came in and gave him a potion..."

"Why would he do that?" Asked Ron, tilting his head quizzically.

"He's been a bit ill or something? I don't know," said Harry impatiently. "But it was smoking and Lupin said it tasted disgusting! The dumbass drank it!"

"Doesn't he know how desperate Snape is for the DADA job? What an idiot," Ron laughed.

"Oh come on, Snape's not dumb enough to try and kill another teacher in front of Harry," said Hermione. She checked her watch and gave a nervous frown. The feast would be starting soon and Quinn was still AWOL. She was debating poking the brother bear by suggesting they look for her, when the portrait door swung open.

"Honey, I'm home," sang Quinn, practically radiating happiness from her date.

"About damn time," grumbled Ron. "What took you so long then?"

"We missed the carriages," said Quinn, "had to walk back."

"I'm gonna need all the details later," Hermione whispered to her giddy friend, knowing better than to ask Quinn to describe her love life in front of her brother.

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