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One of the first things Harry ever learnt about Quinn was that she loved holidays. Whether that be decorating every inch of Gryffindor to look like Santa's workshop at Christmas, dying her (and Ron's) hair bright green on St Patrick's day, or making her own Easter Egg hunt around Hogwarts in Spring.

Halloween was no exception.

Which was exactly why when Quinn came to breakfast on the 31st of October with fluffy grey ears, a painted black nose, a fuzzy silver hoodie with leggings and uggs to match, it wasnt a surprise to any of her friends. Even Bosola was wearing a tiny grey onesie.

"What are you meant to be?" asked Ron.

"I'm a wolf," frowned Quinn. "Duh."

Hermione grinned and pulled down Quinn to sit next to her. "You look adorable, Strawberry."

"I agree," said a new voice.

Quinn recognised the voice instantly, though the fluttering feeling in her stomach was new. She felt as though she'd swallowed a flock of mini swooping evils. Quinn wondered if she was just hungry, so she stole a bite out of Harry's bagel.

"Hi, Nicholas," Quinn greeted.

"Hey," he said, smiling softly. "Are you, uh, are you going Hogsmede today?"

"Um, not sure."

"What do you mean you're not sure?" Hermione hissed. She turned to Nicholas and flashed him a smile. "She's sure. She's going."

"But Harry..." said Quinn. She didn't want him to be alone.

"Will be fine," said Hermione. "Right, Harry?"

'No,' thought Harry. But he took one look at Quinn's hopeful wide eyes and knew he couldn't hold her back from having fun. She deserves to go to Hogsmede. Even if it was with the stupid Disney Prince who can't stop making googly eyes at her.

"I'm sure I can survive on my own for a day, Quinn," said Harry, forcing a (hopefully) reassuring smile.

"Can you, though?" Quinn stressed, memories from their previous two school years swirling in her mind.

Harry simply shot her his middle finger in response.

"So," Nicholas said, confidence beginning to crumble. "Wanna come with me?"

Quinn hummed a little, eyes flicking between him and Harry. Truth was she'd love to go Hogsmede with Nicholas. He's cute and charming and funny and she really wants to know him more.
But Harry's her best friend. Her best friend who was already grumpy enough that he couldn't go Hogsmede. She didn't want to just abandon him.

"Umm," Quinn bit her lip lightly and turned to Hermione.

'Yes', she mouthed, giving Quinn an 'are you crazy he's totally gorgeous and asking you out you dumb bitch' look. That's how Quinn interpreted it at least.

"Yeah," Quinn finally agreed, grinning widely. "Yes, I'd love to go Hogsmede with you Nicholas."

"You sure, Quinn?" frowned Ron. He was giving poor Nicholas a suspicious glare. "Don't feel pressured."

With a quick scowl at her brother, Quinn gave Nicholas a reassuring smile. "I'm not feeling pressured," she said. "It'll be fun."

"Great," said Nicholas, relief washing over him. "I'll meet you outside at ten, okay?"

"Okay," said Quinn, cheeks turning pink.

Nicholas gave the group another smile then walked off. And Quinn was definitely not checking out his ass as he left. Nope. She's a lady thank you very much.

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