Chapter 2

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"Wake up, hotshot." Upon hearing the voice, I blink open my eyes and just see myself in bed. The hell? This isn't my room.

"You're probably wondering where you are well... You're at my apartment." I look up to him and realize who he was. Fuck, I was going to arrest him not getting arrest by him.


"Hmm?" He hums then takes out a folder from a drawer beside me. Akutagawa flips it open and shows me what it is. It was a file folder full of information about me. I was about to snatch it away but my hands we're tape up. Great.

"Hmm... Nakajima Atsushi? What a nice name." He sneers as he continues to read more. "You look pretty hot for a criminal profiler though."

"Shut up!" I snarl at him but he just gave me a devilish grin. Akutagawa puts the folder back in place before leaning closer to me until there's only a thin layer of air between us two. I can feel his breath against my neck that sends shivers down my spine.

"Alright child-"

"Stop calling me child!"

"Okay, how about midget?"

"Our ages are just one year apart!"

"How did you know?"

"I'm a criminal profiler so what more can I say." I reply, full of sass on the tone of my voice causing him to glare at me but I, once again, regret what I did as he swiftly took out his gun and aim it at the side of my head.

"Listen up Nakajima, I'm keeping you since you're going to do some task which can be pretty risky I must say." I gulped as I heard those words from him. Shit. I can't die just yet just because of this criminal. "To make things easier for you to understand, you're going to do all my dirty work. Sounds fun right?"

"Do I even have any other choice?" I sigh defeatedly and I swear, I could see him smile in triumph.

Well I could just escape while doing those right?

"Oh and if you even think about escaping, well that's not gonna happen. I attached a tracker somewhere and if you even dare to remove it, you can't. It's securely attached through your skin" Akutagawa beams.

"Akutagawa? Can you remove this off my hands?" I asked as I showed him the weretiger designed tape that's tightly wrapped around my wrist. I almost forgot that this thief is addicted to weretiger stuffs.

"Hmm nah, I like seeing you like that. It reminds me of 50 shades of gray." He smirks.

New info: This thief is a fucking pervert!

"Just kidding," he chuckled. Oh god, that chuckle. It sounds hot omfg what am I saying!? He starts removing the tape and a few seconds later, my wrists are already free from it. "By the way, get ready alright?"

"Ready for?"

Until the door was kicked open, revealing cops, holding a gun and aiming it us.



Fuck, they found us. Oh well, it's no big deal actually. Akutagawa has a plan like he always does. He's a professional thief for goodness sake.

"A-Akutagawa-" Atsushi was cutted off by Akutagawa aiming at the ceiling with his gun and shooting it causing the weak ceiling above the cops to fall upon them. Taking the opportunity to escape, Akutagawa runs away along with Atsushi.

The jet-black haired takes the lead by taking them at the vents. He kicked open the entrance and started to crawl inside. On the other hand, Atsushi wasn't sure what to do so he just followed him.

"Aren't you sc-scared that these kinds ve-vents can easily collapse?"

"Nope," Akutagawa replied, popping the 'p' by saying it. He continues to crawl for a few more moments then stops.

"Why did you-"

"Hey Atsushi?"


"Are you afraid of like falling?"

"Well if it's a sudden fall then yes."

"Prepare to fall, in one-"

"Okay- WAIT WHAT?!"

He was too late, the vent already collapsed and the two luckily fell on top of an old mattress.

"Hey! Get up!" Atsushi slowly gets up, shaking in fear a little because of the sudden fall earlier. They can hear footsteps coming towards them so they quickly get back on track.

And just as Akutagawa expect, a van appears at the end of the alley.

"Get in!" The two get inside before the cops can even get them both. As the van started moving leaving some cops lost at the abandoned apartment building.

"So... What do we do with the cops back there?" Atsushi asks, pointing with his index finger at the building behind them.

"Do you wanna know the answer?" Akutagawa took out a remote that has a big red button in the middle of it. Without hesitating, he pressed the red button and a loud explosion can be heard behind them.

Atsushi turns around once again seeing the building on fire making him eye wide.

"Easy, we kill it with fire."

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