The Careless Girl (17)

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Chapter 17

I crouched behind the trashcan and looked at my latest victim. Hayden. I recited my plan to Pam and everything was set in motion. Now we were only looking for the right moment. Even though what were doing isn't evil at all, I feel the need to prank someone.

Some by-passers stared at me as though I was a freak. What? You never seen a girl hiding behind a trashcan before? Some people seemed use to my weirdness. Which I was okay with.

A throat was cleared behind me. I turned around to see the fat balding principal staring at me which his arms crossed. He tried to look intimidating, but judging by my past experiences with principals, it didn't affect me at all.

"Ah, Miss Kinley. I want to ask, but I think I don't want to know," I nodded and he continued, "From what I heard from your old principal, I should be very cautious of your presence in my school. But so far, no students haven't been Injured, so I don't think I have to worry as much."

"Sure you don't. I promise you Mr. Williams, that I will be an absolute angel during this school year." I said giving the principal my most innocent smile. He rolled his eyes, surprising me.

"Really? I didn't believe a word you just said, so let's cut to the chase. As long as you don't spray paint, 'I Like Pickles!' on my car, we will do just fine, okay?" He asked and I nodded smirking at him,

"And, let me tell you. As long as you're not in my way, we will do just fine. Got it?" He nodded and continued to walk while sending me a playful wink. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Hayden who was currently walking my way. With a familiar face. Nick. Oh crap, oh crap.

I quickly wolf-whistled for Pam to hear. It was 'the signal'. So, Pam started to walk 'aimlessly' and 'accidentally' bumped into Hayden. He put his hand on her back to steady her.

The two smiled at each other, and quickly started a conversation. I quickly pulled Nick to the side so he wouldn't interfere. I watched as the two started to blush and talk. They both looked shy, it was so cute.

"Can I ask what's going on?" Nicks deep voice whispered. His minty breath fanning my face. I sucked in air, and finally looked at him. His ocean blue eyes with green flecks stared back. His dark hair looked as sexy as ever.

"Uhhhh...." Oh crap Im stuttering. Say something! Anything! Say something stupid!

"I enjoy nutella." *Facepalm* Nick raised an eyebrow looking slightly amused. I sighed, why the hell am I so stupid around this guy? Okay, play it cool. You can do that. You're Emma. Just play it cool.

"Emma? Are you okay?" I immediately nodded, and smiled,

"Sorry 'bout that. Im actually hooking those two up." I said gesturing towards Pam and Hayden who was still blushing and talking shyly at each other. Is it my cue yet? Do I even have a cue? Screw it!

I walked over and smiled at the two, "Oh hey guys. I didn't know you guys knew each other....." I trailed off and Hayden looked down blushing. He scratched the back of his neck,

"Oh hey Emma. Yeah, we just met. Can you believe after two years of going to the same school, we just met?" Hayden asked shaking his head in disbelief. I frowned, can you believe I stayed up all night long to make Pam's hair look 'naturally' wavy? The bitch!

I faked a laugh but to their ears it might've sounded like a hyena, "Oh, I can't believe it. That's too....yeah. Anyway Pam, Jace asked me to ask you about next Friday night?" I said, giving Pam a wink when Hayden wasn't looking.

"Oh Friday night? Oh no can do, Friday night is the big soccer game. I mean I can't miss the big game. Can I?" Pam said and Hayden looked at Pam with hope. I shrugged smirking,

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