The Psycho Girl (4)

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I sat up immediately. What the fudge just happened? Did i really just have a nightmare? I looked around to see that i was in my room. In my bed. I'll take that as a yes. I stood up and stretched taking a quick glance at the clock. I gasped, Oh hot moley I only have thirty minutes to get ready for this snob of a school. Thanks a lot for waking me up Carla.

I grabbed a pair of jeans, and a white tank top. At least this hellhole doesn't have uniforms. If it did, i would have to cut someone. I went inside the bathroom and took a quick hot shower. I thought during that short shower. I thought things like; What if they dont like me? What if they hate me? What if they actually like me?

But then I thought, I don't give a fried baloney what they think. This is who I am. And if anyone has a problem with know what they say, Haters Gonna Hate. I stared into my reflection as I swiftly put on clothes. My dirty blonde hair reached my mid-back. My green eyes sparkled with an emotion I haven't seen in a long time; Excitement.

My stomach was slightly filled with butterflies, as I felt my hand shake slightly. If I said I was nervous, than that would be an understatement. I blow-dried my hair, and added some slight mascara. Im not desperate. I smiled in approval and walked out of the bathroom, and into the kitchen.

I heard voices. Two very familiar voices. I stopped walking and my curiousity got the best of me. Carla was there with Ryan? Why is he here? I sneaked up and hid, behind a flower-plant to hear the conversation. What? Just because Im hiding behind a flower-plant to listen in on a conversation does not mean Im nosey. Psh, pul-lease....Im just watering the plant.

"Why are you here Ryan?" Carla said, running a hand through her pink hair. By the way, why the hellroids is her hair pink? I wouldn't even dye my hair pink, and Im me.

"I wanted to see, my beautiful girl." He kissed her on the forehead. Oh snap, boy say what to pink-head? Oh snap!

"Emma's gonna see us, you know we can't have anyone know about us." Carla said, looking into his green eyes. Hehehe, if only she knew.

"Carla, she's in the shower. I just don't understand why we have to hide our relationship." Ryan said looking hurt.

I decided to jump in, I walked out from behind the plant, "Actually Im right here, and I want to know, why you're hiding your relationship too." I said catching them by surprise. Ryan stared with wide eyes, while Carla blushed.

"Because I don't want an audience, If it falls downhill. I mean when I dated Greg, and he broke up with me, everyone gave me pity. And I didn't want pity, and I like it this way, with just the two of us." She said holding Ryan's hand.

"Awwwwww," I said smiling at the two, "How long have you two been together?" Without hesitation Ryan responded, "Three weeks."

I nodded, "And if you wait any longer to tell your friends, they will feel hurt, like they've been lied to, trust me it's now or never." I responded just as there was a knock on the door. Carla opened it, and in walked the rest of the gang. They looked surprised once they saw ryan. "Why's Ryan here?" Pam asked, looking


"I'll just go, I have to find my way." I said walking out, to give them some privacy. I walked down to the main part of the building and saw that there were no kids out. I looked at my watch and groaned, it read 8:15. Great Im late, I thought as I opened the door and ran to my classroom. I saw that all the kids were already there. I opened the door, and a man with black slick hair smiled.

"You must be new, welcome this is your homeroom and Im Mr. Macuwats, please take a seat next to Heather Emerson, who will show you around for the day."

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