The Jock(s) Girl (7)

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"Okay, you guys...I called this meeting, because I have some serious news, that I have to tell you." Anna said looking at each of us with a serious look on her face. Then she turned to me and smirked, "Word in the halls are that Emma and Nick are going out." I gasped as everyone turned to me expectantly. Trevor had a weird expression on his face.

" need to find a new source because that's not true. I mean he asked me to come to his soccer game-"

Carla screamed, causing everyone to look at her as though she was nuts. "OMG! I can't believe it, you and Nick, being boyfriend and girlf-"

"Wait, what? I just said were not together, were not going out-" I interrupted but now it was Ana's time to interrupt.

"Thats like the first stage, of becoming boyfriend and girlfriend....with a jock. First they invite you to a game, next they invite you to a party, and then they ask you on a date, and then they ask you to wear their jersey.....the ultimate step, when you wear a jocks jersey...that means you're going out." Ana finished and I looked at her with a funny expression.

"They just ask you if you want to wear their jersey...they don't ask if you want to be their girlfriend?" I asked and she shook her head no. "I can't wait for the look on heathers face when you're wearing Nicks jersey." Pam said, with a far away look on her face.

"I never said I would wear his jersey-" I said and everyone looked at me. "So, do you like him?" Trevor asked. I looked at him, and I could swear I saw hurt in his eyes. Maybe Im hallucinating...hallucination is a great thing to experience in life.....that was sarcasm.


The bell ringed, signaling the end of lunch period. Talk about saved by the bell. Ana sighed, "I gotta go, if Im late for math again Mr. Jacrose will kill me, and then give me a detention for actually dying." She said, making us laugh, as she climbed down the tree. Ryan followed her, and so did Carla and Pam. Leaving me alone with Trevor.

His eyes lingered on my face as though searching for something, until finally he spoke, "Do you? Do you like him?" He asked. I sighed, do I like him. "Why?" I asked and Trevor shrugged, "Just curious." He said and I said the first thing that came to mind, "Curiousity killed the cat." I said as I flashed a smirk at him, as I carefully climbed down.

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