The Annoyed Girl (16)

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Chapter 16

"Ummm...hey Emma, it's me Nick. I know you probably don't want to hear from me right now. But, I just want to say that Im so sorry. I don't know what came over me, I guess I was just jealous. I don't know. I just really hate Trevor. Okay, hates a strong word maybe Im just annoyed by him? I don't know but I just want to say Im sorry again. Okay, goodbye."

".....Hey Emma, it's me Nick again. I was just calling to see if you got my message before. Knowing you, you probably deleted it before you even heard the message. Just incase you did I want you to know that Im sorry for everything. And, I want you to know that you're just on my mind lately. I just can't explain it. But, I don't want you to hate me for some stupid mistake. The only reason Im saying this over via voicemail, is because you won't answer my calls, and I know you probably don't want to see me. Im so sorry Emma, just please forgive me. Okay, goodbye......Im hanging up now."

"Awwwww." Anna and Carla said in the background. I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help but smile. Even though Im seriously annoyed. Nick keeps calling, he keeps sending me chocolate and flowers. But when we pass each other in the hallway he just gives me a sad smile. He knows I want my space. It's been two days filled with my annoying ringtone going off 24/7. I honestly don't know why Im so upset by this.

Maybe it's annoying as h-e-double hockey sticks that every time they're by each other a fight happens. Literally. I wish they can just put their differences aside. Actually, it's pretty awesome getting chocolate everyday. So maybe I'll let this go on a little longer.

As for Trevor, I can't even begin with how much I want to strangle that boy. Where I go...he goes. It's like he became a five star stalker in total of two days. He keeps trying to get me alone to 'talk'. But, I either come up with an excuse, ignore him, or Anna or Carla saves me.

I want to talk to him, just like I want to talk to Nick. But somethings telling me I shouldn't. And besides, I still can't get over the fact that Im this upset about a fight.

Back in Florida, when a fight happens it's the most exciting thing. As sad as it is to say, when you're in school all day long, you want entertainment. Carla sighed dreamily,

"If only Ryan was as sweet as Nick. But, I don't want Ryan to change. He's going to dump me, as soon as he steps foot in my town." Carla started to sniff, and Anna quickly hugged her.

See that's the second thing that's happening. Were going home in exactly two days. Okay, it's three days, but Im going home early for 'medical' reasons. And by medical, I mean Im going home to 'surprise' my family. And by surprise I mean Im going to scare the living shit out of them.

Oh, back to the second thing that's happening. Carla and Ryan are becoming more 'serious'. Yeah, you know what I mean. They're finally holding hands in public. I don't want to tell Carla to upset her, but I just can't hold it in anymore. What the F*** is going on that they just now started holding hands?

My grandma could probably hit second base faster than them. It's sad. But, at the same time so innocently cute. Lucky bastards. Anyway, since they're becoming more 'serious' they've decided to visit each other's families during winter break.

While Ryan's total okay with the idea, Carla's freaking out. Obviously. Apparently Carla's parents are more over-protective than a mama bear and her cub. Yikes. Luckily I have more chill parents. You know, the kind that sends you off to boarding school.

Anna continued to hug Carla, "Ryan wouldn't even consider that idea. You know that. Im sure he can take care of himself, he's a big boy." I gave Carla a sad smile. It was the least I could do to not laugh. Which would be very inappropriate. But how can you not laugh, when a girl is freaking out about a guy meeting her parents when they just started the PDA stage, after months of dating.

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