The Jealous Girl (24)

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*Hey guys, sup. You know...I really wish I could comment on your comments because they're so crazy and awesome that I feel the need to be awesome and crazy too. So Im going to now try and comment on everything people say. Cool? Also, Im writing the authors note here...because, Im not gonna feel like writing one after I try....see what I did there...try. Again, TRY and make a long chapter. *Clears Throat*......try.

Anyway, tell me if you likie the chappy? (Like the chapter) Honestly, I should've asked you guys for awesome date ideas. Because, I have absolutely no date ideas. But, you know...until then they'll just go to the movies. Blah. I really don't even consider going to the movies a date anymore. Because, even though you're watching the movie together. You're not even talking or getting to know each other. UNLESS, he takes you out to eat afterwards.

Sorry, about that Im a fan of ranting at random times. Anyway, here's Chapter 24. Stay beautiful folks and don't forget to comment, vote, fan or whatever. Pickles are green. :-| )

Oh, and FYI. Wait, who says FYI anymore. Okay, Im bringing it back. FYI, the movie isn't real. K, my little ducklings.*

Chapter 24

I can't believe he actually got me to watch a chick-flick. That's all I could think about as I sat in the stupid theater. Filled with women. I can't believe I agreed to this. Actually, I can. See, Nick pulled the 'puppy dog face' on me. Which is his signature move to get me to do anything he wants. Now, that he knows my weakness I'll probably never win an argument again.

"Stop pouting, Prank Girl. I promise you'll love the movie. It's in your genes to love chick-flicks. You are a chick, am I right?" I frowned at him and he raised his arms in a surrender,

"Come on, Emma. This is our first official date, so please just sit back and enjoy the movie. Please?" I turned to him to see him giving me a pouting face mixed with his puppy dog face. I frowned, curse him for knowing my weakness! And, for having a beautiful face!

But it was our first 'official' date. Even though I thought of the ice rink as out first date. Because, it was the day we had our first kiss. Ugh, Im growing soft. I sat back and actually looked like I wanted to see the movie. At this, Nick smiled.

"You're lucky you're cute." Was all I said as the movie started. Nick just sat back with a smirk on his face. Even though I had an urge to just smack that smirk off his face, I didn't. Because, I decided that guys wouldn't appreciate being man-handled by their girlfriends.

The movie started, and I swear I saw a lady already pulling out tissues. Ugh, I hope this movie isn't gonna be long, because I just want to go to school and Prank people....hopefully. Nick captured my hands in his, and I smiled at him. I don't care how long this movie is, as long as I get to hole Nick's hand, Im fine.

*Two Hours Later*

"Anna, just know. That I will always love you. And that no matter what, I want you to move on. Anna, promise me you'll move on." The main character on the movie screen said dramatically.

My eyes were filled with unshed tears, and I sniffed a little, "No. Anna, don't let him go. He's too pretty. Don't die Luke. Don't die." I talked to the screen and a man in front of me, who had a lady-friend next to him shushed me. I instantly frowned,

"Shush me again, and I will walk down there and kick you where the sun don't shine, boy." I spat back at the man, and he didn't say anything back. I smirked as I heard the lady whisper,

"You're gonna let that girl talk to you like that? Don't tell me you're scared. She's just a teenager." She whispered pretty loudly. I was about to stand up, but nick grabbed me before I can with an amused grin on his face.

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