Once Upon A Creeper (1)

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Chapter 1

I walked into the front office and immediately walked towards the principals office, giving a small awkward wave to the secretary as I went. I didn't even knock on the door I just walked in, ready to face my challenger. When I noticed the person sitting at the front desk I gasped,

"Principal?" I said in disbelief with one eye-brow raised. Immediately he held up his hands in surrender with a pale face.

"I'm not the person challenging you, I just needed you to find out who spray-painted that crap on the side of the building." I nodded in understanding and sat in a chair that was facing the desk.

"Well, did you see the person who challenged me or nah." I said crossing my legs and leaning back in my seat. I watched him as he sat back in his seat too.

"No, whoever it was, was wearing a black hoodie and black clothing. They ran out before I could catch them, I'm sorry." I nodded, and stood up ready to leave. He cleared his throat and I turned around raising an eyebrow at him,

"I know there's gonna be a...what do you call it? A prank war. As long as my car and my office aren't involved then I'm okay with this. I know that doesn't matter to you, and you would do the war thing without my permission, but I just wanted you to know that you have my consent." I smirked at the principle,

"You're right, I would've done the prank war without your consent, but thanks for giving me your consent. You have officially earned my respect." I said, with a small innocent smile. He raised an eyebrow,

"Really?" He asked, looking doubtful.

"Sure." I said, walking towards the door, "You have my word that I will do nothing to your office or car, but I can't say the same for my opponent." I turned to look at him and he nodded. With that said, I walked out of the door.

"Did you find him?" I jumped at the sound of Carla's voice. She was standing there with a carton of eggs. I sniffed the air. Scratch that. She was standing there with a carton of rotten eggs. I scrunched up my nose,

"Geez Carla, why are you carrying around a carton of death." She rolled her eyes,

"I was prepared to fire at your opponent. Which brings me to my unanswered question, did you find him? Did he reveal himself?" She asked, looking behind me like the guy would jump out from anywhere. I shook my head,

"No such luck, the principle said he was covered in black clothing, including a black hoodie, and he escaped before the principle could catch him." Carla sighed,

"What am I suppose to do with these?" She asked, holding up the carton, making the foul stench become more prominent. I pushed it back,

"Leave it, we are not bringing that back to the dorm." I said, glaring at the carton. Carla raised an eyebrow,

"Isn't that littering." I rolled me eyes,

"Who cares, what are they gonna do? Run a fingerprint on it. Put it down, let's go." Carla looked like she was having an internal debate, before she put down the carton. When we walked away I sighed in relief,

"Thank you apple juice, I'm so glad we're away from that horrid smell." Carla laughed and looked at me with a raised eyebrow,

"Horrid? When did you become proper?" She asked, smirking at me. Did she smirk at me? I'm the only person who smirks around here. Just kidding....kind of.

"I didn't, Its probably from watching The Parent Trap last night." Carla rolled her eyes. We walked out of the office, and started to walk out of the school.

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