The Twilight Girl (15)

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Chapter 15

"Hey." I said waving at Trevor slightly as I slid into the booth he was currently seated in. It was in the back of the restaurant by the window. Trevor was not joking when he said little diner.

It was small, and the air around us smelled like pies. Yummy. It had a cozy, home feel to it. So, I automatically felt comfortable. Why Trevor brought me to a Diner? I have no clue. But this strongly feels like a date, and I don't know if I like the sound of that.

"Hey, I thought you weren't going to come." He said looking nervous. I rolled my eyes, why is he so nervous. I gave him a small smile,

"Yeah. I was kind of busy." I said, and Trevor nodded. Right then a waitress walked over, and eyed Trevor like she was a lion and he was a piece of meat. I smirked, Geez, what if I was Trevor's girlfriend?

Im not the jealous type though, so I watched, amused as Trevor squirmed in his seat.

"So, what drinks would you like?" She asked Trevor with what Im guessing is a flirty smile, when in reality she looks like a creepy cat. Okay....Im not over here at all.

"Can I have a sprite please?" I asked nicely to the waitress who looked around my age. She turned and glared at me, as I continued to smile nicely. Im going to act 'nice' so she won't spit in my food.

But the moment my food is set down on this table, Im turning back into Bitchy Emma. She glared as she wrote what I order on the pad. Then she turned to Trevor and smiled,

"What about you? What would you like to drink?" She asked and Trevor looked over the menu. He sighed, "I guess I'll have some sprite also." He said and she nodded happily writing it on her menu.

"I'll be back with you guys drinks, Trevor." She said and she walked away. Shamelessly swaying her hips as she did. I shook my head, and raised an eyebrow at Trevor,

"How that girl know your name?" I asked confused. And Trevor looked at me sheepishly,

"Well, I go to this diner a lot. And let's just say I met Jessica before. She was one of my....." He trailed off, trying to find the right word. I smirked,

"Flings?" Trevor blushed and looked everywhere else but at me. I laughed as he nodded his head. I smiled at Trevor,

"I don't care about your little flings. And besides this is a friendly outing. There's no need to explain your little flings to me." I said looking over the menu. I looked up from the menu to see Trevor smirking at me.

"What?" I asked and he shook his head. I frowned,

"No. Tell me now." I said, and Trevor rolled his eyes giving me a 'Chill Out' gesture. I raised an eyebrow and he just continued to smirk. After what seemed like forever, which was actually five seconds. What? Im an impatient person. Yo Soy Impaciente! Yeah that's right....I can speak Spanish. Trevor finally decided to a talk,

"Its nothing. It's just that you seem a little jealous-" I scoffed and crossed my arms and smirked at Trevor. Silly little boy,

"I do not get jealous. Im just simply stating that I don't care if you have flings. And besides, I can't get jealous. It's just something I can't do." Okay, maybe that sounded like I was convincing myself more than Trevor.

He nodded slowly, "Right. I'll believe that the moment you tell me that you were jealous back there." I frowned at Trevor, and then suddenly smirked,

"Im sure if a guy came in here today, and talked to me. You would be absolutely jealous. Something I wouldn't know about since I've never been jealous before in my life." I said crossing my arms indignantly. Trevor rolled his eyes,

The Prank Girl [Book 1 & 2]  [ON HOLD]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora