Once Upon A Brother (2)

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Chapter 2

"Wait, so you're saying this guy is related to Heather in some way?" Carla asked, the next day. Carla, Trevor, Nick and I were in our dorms living room. The others were doing school stuff.

"Precisely." I said, as I paced the living room. Nick was staring at the ground in concentration when suddenly he looked up,

"Wait, what did you say his name was again?" Nick asked,

"Casper." He looked down in concentration again,

"Heather said something about a brother, but he was in this all boys boarding school in London or something. It can't be him." I frowned in concentration,

"Are you sure?" Nick shrugged,

"I wasn't really paying attention when she talked about family stuff." Carla rolled her eyes,

"Typical boy, always thinking about sex."

"I know I am." Trevor said smirking. I rolled my eyes, but laughed anyway,

"Okay, monkey butt. You're not helping." Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. Carla stared at me as I paced the dorm, before she groaned and stood up,

"Stop pacing you're making me dizzy." I rolled my eyes at her theatrics, but stopped anyway. Carla gave me a look. I frowned,

"What?" She raised her arms in the air, and let them drop to her sides,

"Why aren't we banging down Heathers door, and demanding answers." I smirked at Carla,

"You're so impatient. Going to see Heather would be the obvious thing to do." I said, tapping my chin thoughtfully. Carla nodded her head,

"Agreed. It's the obvious thing to do. The easy thing to do. So, let's do it." She started to head towards the door, but I grabbed her arm before she could leave.

"Easy is so boring. I say we go to the principals office, and demand to see her file. And, if that doesn't work. I could get some bubble wrap-"

"Okay, psycho," Trevor said interrupting me, "Stop being weird and let's go." I pointing towards my room,

"But, the bubble wrap." Trevor started to drag me towards the door.

"Come on." I groaned, but followed them anyway. Nick grabbed my hand, and gave me a small smirk. I smirked back,

"You're weird." He rolled his eyes, so manly.

"Yeah, but you like it." I denied it of course, but blushed anyway. He started to kiss my cheeks, making me laugh. I started to swat his arms,

"That tickles." He pulled back and smiled at me. His beautiful ocean-blue eyes were glowing as he stared into mine. He cupped my cheek, and started to lean in. Just when our lips were about to touch-

"Uh, Emma. No one wants to see that." Trevor said, scrunching up his nose in disgust.That's when I realize there were others with us. And, by others I meant Carla and Trevor. Sometimes when I'm with Nick, It feels like its just us, and no one else. I rolled my eyes,

"Should I remind you that I walked in on you and Anna. I saw your butt and everything." I said grimacing in disgust...about the walking in on the doing it part. Trevor's butt was adorable. He smirked,

"It could've been you." I snorted, I know very lady-like.

"You wish." Trevor opened his mouth to reply when Carla shushed us. We were approaching Heathers dorm. Carla, wasting no time, quickly knocked. I rolled my eyes,

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