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The meeting was going about as good as anyone could have hoped. Three of the Leaders had pulled out immediately after learning Keith and Ruu were piloting Lions. Another two left after learning it wasn't temporary. The last planet pulled from the Allience after hearing which Lions Keith and Ruu would pilot.

Allura looked very tired, Keith couldn't blame her, he hadn't said much, words that he could only geuss were slurs for Galra in the other planetary Leaders' languages were shot at him everytime he opened his mouth. He had his own two cents to put into the conversation, but with the loss of allies left and right at every new piece of information kept his mouth shut. A snarky comment or him exploding could lose them all of their allies, minus the Blade. A fact Ruu was constantly reminding him of.

The only bright side of the situation was that Ryner had defended them. Arguing on behalf of Ruu and Keith. Both knew her people probably wouldn't agree with some of what she'd said, which made her words mean that much more.

The remaining members of the Coalition sat in a respectful silence, as Allura recollected herself, having taken most of the slander for allowing two Galra half breeds to pilot the Lions. Keith took this time to give Ryner a thankful smile for her defence against the other former Coalition members. She simply nodded to him in return.

Allura sighed, meeting the remaining three members of the Voltron Coalition, The Blade of Marmora, Olkari, and Shay's Balmera.
"Are there anymore questions about Voltron's current state?" Allura asked, clearly hoping for a no.

"I do apologise, but I have one. Your former Paladin of the Blue Lion, Lance, where is he?" Ryner asked.
Allura looked at Keith, the Paladin stepping forward, taking a deep breath preparing himself to see the other two video feds shut down.

"Lance is fine, however, as many of you know he and I were captured by the Galra before the battle with Zarkon. Haggar decided experimentation was a suitable form of torture," Keith couldn't help the shiver that ran down his spine at the memories of those god awful cells, "Her experiments on me are more... obvious. Lance however," Keith paused, thinking of the correct way to word what had happened, "became capable of conceiving a child."

The sentence hung in the air. Keith could see the look of realization on the Balmerian representatives face.
"So are he and the unborn both in good health?" Ryner asked, as if this was news she heard everyday.
Keith smiled softly, "Yes, they're both doing fine."
"This is something he willingly did?" The Balmerian asked.
"There was consent, not that this out come was intended," Keith answered, not liking where the questions were going, without knowing what information either species considered inappropriate conversation.

The Balmerian representative looked mildly uncomfortable, but nodded accepting the answer.
"Then I assume, congratulations are in order. Tell him I wish he has a safe pregnancy and that the young one is healthy. If you need a safe place for him, Olkari will always be open to you," Ryner smiled.
"Our Balmaria as well," the Balmerian smiled.
Kolivan nodded in agreement, "You will always have the Blade of Marmora wherever you need us."

A weight fell off the Paladins, grateful smiles and sighs filled the room. Keith smiled at their allies, unable to keep the small bit of paranoia eating at him from spreading doubt. The Balmerian had look uncomfortable earlier, maybe even disgusted. No he was probably just uncomfortable, Keith had basically told him he and Lance had fucked. There wasn't anything else behind that... Was there?

Ruu set a hand on his shoulder, pulling Keith from his thoughts.
"Relax, we've got allies, Lance is safe, Kit's safe, and so are we," they whispered, "It's all okay."
Keith smiled at them, "Thanks, " he breathed.
They just nodded, turning their attention back to the meeting.

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