Ocho 8

231 13 10

Run Boy Run by Woodkid is a bop.

Fight me.


Ruu stretched yawning widely. Leaning against the headboard in Sana’s room. They looked into the nest Sana had made on the bed as their mate who played with a small ball inside. Ruu let a small sad smile touch their lips.

“Ruu?” Sana muttered.
“Do you know who that Blade is?” Sana asked, looking up at Ruu.
“Which one?” Ruu asked.
“There was a Blade here today that was asking about Lance,” Sana said.
Ruu leaned in a little closer to their mate, “Which Blade?”
“I don’t know,” Sana said, huffing in frustration, “Alkari knew him. They were talking about Lance. Alkari said I should trust him, but I don’t.”
Ruu leaned back knowing not to press any further with Sana.

“I don’t know who the Blade was but Alkari grew up with them, if he says you can trust him, you can probably trust him,” Ruu assured her.
“But he was being nosey about Lance!” Sana whined.
Ruu pecked Sana’s forehead, “Dear, you don’t know everything about their relationship, that Galra could have been one of Lance’s teachers in the Blade. They could have already known about Lance barring his and Keith’s kit. You're jumping to conclusions because you’re scared for Lance. It’s sweet, and I love that you want to protect him, but I don’t think you have anything to worry about,” Ruu said.

“But what if he isn’t? What if he’s trying to hurt Lance like they tried to hurt you?” Sana whined.
Ruu teanced, resting their hand on their stomach.
“T-That won’t happen Sana,” Ruu said.

Sana looked at Ruu, not fully understanding why her mate wasn’t going further to assure her she was being overdramatic. She did know that hugs always helped when Ruu acted funny. So the larger half-breed picked her mate up, engulfing them in her arms, nuzzling them as she laid them both down in the nest she’d made. Ruu curled into a small ball holding onto her shirt, hiding like Kit had been playing a game with Lance.

Sana didn’t think Ruu was playing. For one, Ruu didn’t play much. Second, you smiled and laughed when you played. Ruu wasn’t smiling or laughing. They seemed sad. Sana didn’t like that. She liked her mate to be happy.

“He’s gonna be safe, Sana,” Ruu muttered, trying to convince themself as much as Sana.
“I’ll keep him safe,” Sana promised, “You keep Keith safe, I’ll keep Lance and Kitty safe. Promise?”
Ruu looked up at her mate, a gentle smile touching their lips.
“I’ll keep him safe,” Ruu nodded, nuzzling Sana, a small purr growing from the back of their throat.

The pair sat there in a comfortable silence. Just holding one another. Sana runs her hand over Ruu’s short fur, brushing it down with her hand, just to pull it up and make it look all messy before repeating her actions. The two mates simply enjoying one another's company.

Several minutes pass like this, Ruu almost falling asleep to Sana’s repetitive movements and her steady heart beat. A sharp knock on the door pulled her from her half asleep daze.

“Yes?” they called.
Keith opened the door Lance and Kit at his side, “It’s time,” he said, just loud enough for the half breed to hear.
Ruu whined hugging their mate.
“Time for what?” Sana asked.
“We’re about to leave,” Ruu said.
Sana sat up looking at her confused, “But why’d we bring our stuff here if we’re going to leave?”

“Sana, we’re going to stay here, Ruu and Keith have to go,” Lance said, walking over to the two mates.
“Aren’t we going to?” Sana asked.
“No, you two and Alkari are staying cause bad people want to take Lance and the kits, remember, Sana,” Keith said, joining his mate at the nest side.
Sana picked at the bottom of her nest, nodding slowly.
“Lotor wants the kits and Lance,” she said, showing she understood.
Lance set a hand on her shoulder.

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