Trece 13

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"So you're not coming back this weekend," Lance frowned.
Keith sighed, running his hand down his face, "You know with you is the only place I wanna be Sarang."
Lance sighed, "I know Kieth, I know... You guys can't afford to pass up any allies, and God knows we need them. It doesn't make this any easier, though," The teens made eye contact over the screen.
Keith's heart physically ached seeing the disappointment in Lance's eyes.

The older boy sighed leaning back into his seat.
"Let's not focus on that, you said you'd be able to come next weekend," Lance smiled, a fake one obviously, "How have things been on the Castle?"
"Lotor's attacks have been less frequent, we think he may have figured out you aren't here. Allura said she told Ryner that already so you might have noticed security getting tighter there."
"Yeah, kinda pegged that as Alkari getting paranoid. He doesn't like it when Sana and I sneak around," Lance half laughed to himself.

"Lance," Keith half glared at his mate.
"What? It gets boring here, we don't get attacked by the Galra eight times a week," Lance protested.
Keith glared at his mate, "Which is why you're there!"
"I know, I know, me stressing while pregnant can cause the baby to have anxiety, I know. Kinda makes you wonder how stressed your mom was pregnant with you babe," Lance teased.
"I am not anxious, Lance."
"Are you sure about that?" The Cuban arched an eyebrow at his mate.

Keith just rolled his eyes at the other, "What about you? Anything happen there?"
Lance beamed, "Yeah, Kit, said her first word."
Keith stared at his mate, "She did?"
"Yeah it was during a thunderstorm a few days ago," Lance smiled, picking up the tablet he was using to talk with Keith, "Hang on Kari's got her."
Keith smiled softly at his own tablet, frowning slightly at the fact that he'd missed this milestone with his daughter.

"Hey, Kit, someone wants to say hi," Lance said, sitting down on his bed.
Kit chirped outside of Keith's view, the tablet falling off Lance's lap as he took Kit from Alkari. Their little girl babbled in Lance's lap as the former Paladin picked up the tablet. Kit batted Lance's bump, she chirped up at him.
"Hey, someone wants to say hi to you bebé," Lance smiled, nodding to the tablet.
Keith chuckled as Kit kept batting Lance's bump without a care in the world, or noticing what her papa was trying to show her.
"Kitten," he called.

The kit snapped her head around, beaming at the screen as she caught sight of Keith, chirping happily at him.
"Who's that?" Lance asked, lifting her up.
"Appa!!!" She beamed, reaching for the screen.
Keith stared at her, laughing quietly, a smile he couldn't have held back if he wanted on his face.
"Appa!" Kit smiled trying to take the screen from Lance.
Keith laughed to himself, a single tear slipping down his face, "Hey, hey, Kitten," he smiled.
"Appa!" Kit smiled again, purring loudly.
"Yeah, hey baby girl," Keith smiled, wiping the tear off his face, "Hey."
Kit chirped at him.

"She's already got him wrapped around her finger," Alkari muttered to Lance.
The Cuban laughed, "We were supposed to expect something else?"

"Hey! You were supposed to wait for me to call!" Ruu hollered on Keith's end.
The older, racing across the common room to Keith.
"Sana ain't even there!" Kieth argued.
"Hey, Ruu!" Lance called as Ruu stole the tablet from Keith.
"Greetings, Problem Child," they smiled, "Where's my girlfriend?"
Kit chirped at them in protest.
"Taking a nap even though we told her you'd be calling," Alkari answered, "She didn't sleep last night waiting for you to call."
Ruu laughed to themself, "Sounds accurate. Let her sleep, she isn't going to like that we aren't coming back, and I know how she gets when she's upset and tired."
Lance nodded, having a few second-hand experiences.

"Appa!" Kit ordered, pawing at the screen, "Appa!"
"Why did no one tell me my niece was talking!" Ruu ordered, throwing up their hands letting Keith steal back the pad.
Hunk gasped in the background, "We missed Kitty Kat's first words!"
"Oh my Ancients, what did she say?!" Allura beamed while sitting down by Kieth, the others gathering behind them, "What did you say Kit?"
"Appa!" Kit chirped at them, reaching for Keith.
"Oh! My god my heart!" Hunk squealed, falling backward.
"What's wrong with it?" Ruu asked.
"That is too precious!" Allura beamed, hugging Kieth's arm as a congratulation.

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