Seite 7

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Sorry it's been so long! I've been really busy with school and if you follow me you know I just got a job too so I hope this soft little chapter helps. Even though it ain't short...

Random fact: There are no laws in America prohibiting cannibalism.

Do with that information what you will...

Also, for half a second can we appreciate how ridiculously funny some people's locations are on this app! Just scrolling through my followers and reading their locations is all the comedy I need in life!


Reyner greeted the Paladin’s struggling to hide her smile, noticing Lance, his baby bump, adn kit.
“I’m sorry we aren’t quite prepared for the meeting just yet, we weren’t expecting you for another varga yet,” Reyner apologized.
“Yes well we were hoping to disguise something with you alone,” Allura smiled.
“Of course,” Reyner nodded, leading them into the conference room the Coalition would meet in later that day.

“What exactly do you need to discuss?” Reyner asked.
“Since our last virtual meeting, we’ve been experiencing more attacks from the Galra Empire than normal,” Allura stated.
“Which must be bothersome with two new Paladins,” Reyner nodded.
“It’s a bit more than bothersome,” Keith said, “Especially. when they come in numbers large enough to distract Voltron.”
Reyner frowned, “Distract Voltron?”
“They’re targeting the Castle of Lions,” Allura stated, “We believe they somehow know about Lance and are targeting the Castle to capture him.”

“Are you sure? Zarkon did know your father and that the Castle was where the lions recharged. Lotor may be targeting the Castle for that reason,” Reyner pointed out.
“Doubtful, the first attack we experienced I was able to divert the Galra’s attention with Lance’s Paladin armor,” Alkari spoke up, “If their target was the Lion’s charging points no foot soldier would have bothered chasing me, much less Lotor.”

Reyner blinked, “The prince came after you himself?”
“We haven’t had another run in with him yet, but we aren’t wanting to chance another attack from him, we barely escaped last time,” Allura stated.
“Reasonably,” Reyner nodded, “So I’m assuming considering you wished to talk to me first you’re looking to hide Lance here?”
“That’s correct,” Allura nodded.
“But why not converse this issue with the rest of the Coalition present?” Reyner asked.
“We’re unsure about how the Galra have found our positions or how they know what they do. We’ve elected to keep where we’re going to keep Lance as quiet as possible,” Allura answered.

Reyner nodded, “The best kept secrets are the ones no one knows.”
“So will you help?” Keith asked.
“I told you if you needed anything, I would help you. I am a woman of my word, so of course, I’ll help you, Lance and the kit may stay as long as you need,” Reyner smiled, “We are allies after all.”

“I hope it won’t be much of a bother for Sana and I to stay as well,” Alkari stated, gesturing to the half Galra beside Ruu who was gawking at the decoration on the walls, “I made a promise to keep Lance safe and Sana has mental handicaps that we feel would put her at risk if the Galra did manage to take the Castle where as Coran would be capable of escaping or hiding somewhere safe.”
“Of course,” Reyner smiled, “We’d be happy to offer you protection.”

Keith smiled to himself, side hugging Lance.
“Thank you,” Lance smiled, to her.
“Of course, now, before everyone gets here we should set you up in a room!” Reyner beamed, leading team Voltron out of the conference room towards the guest rooms.
Reyner, Lance, Ruu, and Allura talked avidly about the baby and Kit. The Olkari got along quite well with the Galra kit, which was something that made Lance smile. Alkari walked behind the main group, falling into his Blade training, scoping out every inch of the building. He took mental notes of every possible point of entry, the frequency of the guards or drones patrolling the halls. It was satisfactory. Keith also kept a lookout of the environment he’d be leaving his mate in. He studied the faces of the guards, watching for their reactions to the Cuban by his side. Most of the guards bowed their heads respectfully to him, a few smiled or mouthed congratulations to him assuming, or knowing, his and Lance’s relationship. This soothed some of Keith’s worries about leaving Lance there.

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