Cinco 5

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Not me forgetting for the second time this book that updates are Friday, not Sunday, nope... Not me... Totally not me...

Also, if you think this is gonna be just cute shit because it's Valentine's day, you haven't been paying attention! Valentine's day is just another day for me. You will get no special treatment because of the date!

This chapter brought to you by a non-beanie in a green plaid nightgown and light pink pajama pants because I been off school for a week and don't give two shits anymore.

(Definitions are at the bottom.)


“How do they know about Lance?” Allura glared at the floor, “The only people who know are us, and the Coalition.”
“It could be any number of things,” Alkari answered, “Our comms could have been hacked, the transmissions could have been intercepted.”
“Or we could have a trader,” Keith said, his tail wrapping around Lance’s legs.

“Let’s not jump to conclusions,” Lance said, “It’d be basically impossible for the Galra to be spying on us. They couldn’t hide with the Balmarins or the Olkari at all, and most of the high ranking Blade’s come from legacies of Blades.”
“A spy still isn’t out of the question. There are plenty of those who would be willing to sell us out for safety or money,” Alkari argued, “As I said, it could be any number of things.”
“Whatever the case, we need to keep Lance safe. If the Galra are after him, and they’re aware of the baby any form of blackmail can be expected to get Voltron,” Allura stated.
“Uh, no offense,” she smiled sheepishly to Keith, Ruu, Sana, and Alkari.

“None was taken. There are horrible people in every race. Evil isn’t defined by what we are born as. It’s defined by how we act and who we choose to become.” Alkari stated, “However, we should figure out what we’re going to do to protect Lance, the baby, and Kit,” Alkari stated, leading the way out of the hanger.

Keith hung behind the group, keeping Lance by his side.
“Babe, nothing’s gonna happen to me,” Lance assured the Paladin.
“You can’t keep anything from happening to you,” Keith argued.
“If you think anyone on this team would let the Galra touch me, let alone take me, you’re insane.” Lance smiled, wrapping his arm around Keith’s middle, “I mean, you can’t blame them. I’m pretty irresistible,” he smirked.
Keith chuckled to himself, “You’re an idiot.”
“But I’m your idiot, Mullet,” Lance teased.
Keith huffed, smiling softly down at his mate, “Yeah, yeah, you are.”

    “Ew, love,” Pidge grimaced, her nose scrunching up as she fake gagged, “Disgusting.”
Keith smirked, kissing his mate, “Mine.”
Pidge faked throwing up again.
“Just wait till you get a boyfriend,” Lance joked.
“I’m good, thanks,” Pidge smirked, “I don’t want to be with anyone, male, female, or non-binary, period.”

“What’s the English word for someone with a lack of romantic attraction to any gender?” Ruu asked.
“Aromantic,” Keith answered.
Ruu nodded, holding up their hands to count off, “So we have a Bisexual, Bigender,” they gestured to Lance.
“A Gay half Galra,” they nodded to Keith.
“A Lesbian, Pangender,” they pointed at themself.
“A man who’s questioning himself because he doesn’t know if liking an alien qualifies him as Pan or not because gender is complicated.” they nodded to Hunk, who went red.
“A Pansexual,” she nodded to Sana, “and now an Aromantic.” they nodded to Pidge. “Correct?”

    “You forgot two Omnisexuals,” Alkari added, nodding to Allura and Coran.
“Right!” Ruu nodded.
“Yep, that’s about right,” Pidge nodded, “Kinda surprised it took you this long to figure that out.”
“There’s been a lot going on,” Keith reasoned.

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