Doce 12

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Holy fucking shit...

Seriously though, thanks guys!


Haggar walked silently through the halls of the main ship. Her eyes glazed over as she lost herself in thought.


"Have you located the Blue Paladin?" The witch demanded.
"N-no, my apologies, Haggar," the young Galra soldier stammered, bowing to her.
"Then find him! That Paladin can win us this war!" Haggar snapped, glaring at the Galra.
"O-of course!"

Haggar sighed to herself as she heard the Prince approaching from behind her.
"What was the meaning of that?"
"My apologies, Prince Lotor, I am not sure what you mean."
"The attack you ordered on the Paladin's, you said they were aiming to destroy one of our valuable trading posts with a weapon. They were nowhere near it!" The half Altean snapped.
"Of course, you cut them off early, that was the plan."

"Then why did my ship zone in on the Blue Paladin's armor as that weapon?" Lotor glared at the woman, "You sent as to capture that Paladin. The one who isn't even piloting a Lion! You've wasted our resources sending several fleets to attack blindly to capture a worthless Paladin!"

"Blue is far from worthless, Prince Lotor," Hagar glared back.
"Oh, yes, because he's clearly the most valuable of all the Paladins. Because clearly HE pilots the Black Lion, and clearly HE leads the other Paladins, and clearly HE makes the plans and leads them into battle. Clearly that is the Blue Paladin who sat in the passenger's seat of an Altean pod while a Blade piloted the ship and caused a distraction that allowed Voltron to retreat!" Lotor glared, the prince took a deep breath, "Had you stated you wanted the Blue Paladin, or any of the others. I would not be as upset, or frustrated as I am. But deliberately you lied to me, sabotaged my ship and an attack we could have captured Voltron in, to go after your science project! Do you realize how many lives you pointlessly risked? You are not to waste mine or anyone else time hunting down that Paladin! It's a pointless endeavor and we have far more important matters to deal with. Understood?"

Haggar glared at the prince, loathing him with every fiber of her being, "Of course, Prince Lotor."


The woman glared at the floor, rage boiling under her calm exterior. The Blue Paladin was far more valuable than the Prince knew, she knew that her plan had worked, the Altean Princess was piloting the Blue Lion, and the Blue Paladin hadn't been seen in a substantial amount of time. He was bearing the Red Paladin's kit. Or was he the Black Paladin now? He piloted the Black Lion but his armor hadn't changed. Who cares, Blue was all that mattered, nothing mate. That Paladin would win this war and give the Galra so much more than anyone could imagine. He would win Haggar more power for her Emperor than the foolish Prince could ever imagine.

If he'd known her plan for the Paladin. What all she knew he was capable of with the right training and adjustments that would be fully bonded to the Paladin if she could just get her hands on him again. And even if it failed with the Blue, his children would more than likely have the same genes that made him so valuable to Haggar. After all she'd manufactured the female reproductive cells he carried. They, for the most part, would transfer the desired traits to his offspring. So even if Blue was lost his children would still hold the same value he did.

"Haggar," a young Galra soldier stated, still trying to subdue the shiver running up and down their spine.
"Speak," the witch ordered.
"I've located the Blue Paladin. He's on Olkarion," he stated.
"Where is Voltron?" Haggar demanded.
"Heading in the opposite direction towards a suspected rebellion outpost," the soldier answered.
"Inform my Druids they are to meet me in my lab in half a Varga, or else…"the with glared at the soldier
"Of course, Haggar," the soldier shuttered, "Though if you don't mind me asking. The Prince told us to stop looking for the Blue Paladin, yet you continue to. Why?"

"He is power, the side that has that Paladin, will win," Haggar glared.
"And what power does this Paladin have that the others do not? He appears to be a normal human," the soldier argued.
Haggar scoffed, "It is not your job to question the Paladin's worth to me and the Empire, only to find him. No leave!"

"Verpit sa," the soldier stated blandly, quickly leaving the witch to herself.

The soldier walks down the halls of the command ship with a task and purpose. One that Haggar hadn't assigned them. The young Galra quickly made his way to the dock. Scanning over the ships until they found the one he'd been looking for.

"Prince Lotor," the Galra called, sucking in a sharp breath as the, rather attractive, Prince turned to them.
"May I help you?" The Prince arched any eyebrow at him.
They took a discreet breath, trying to control his breathing, before they continued.
"I am Klaar, and I have information regarding Haggar's recent activities you may want to hear, Prince Lotor," they stated, not missing how the Prince studied him, as if trying to memorize what they looked like as he spoke.

The Prince's eyes narrowed at the mention of the witch. His eyes meeting theirs as the Prince cooled his anger. Already theorizing what was going to be said. The Prince's generals turned towards Klaar as well, curious about what he had to say.

"Please continue..."


Sorry this is short.

Klaar uses He/They pronouns if you are confused. I'll tray and use them evenly through out a chapter. My apologies if I don't.

Have a lovely day / night my guys, girls, gays, and theys!!! Love y'all!!!

✨🌟✨Weekly Positivity ✨🌟✨


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