Seis 6

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Random question!

Please answer!

What is your favorite thing about me as a writer?


It had been roughly a week or so after the first few Galra attacks and Lance's stress-induced Braxton-Hicks, and Voltron was nearing Olkarion's solar system on their way to an emergency meeting of the Voltron Coalition. Pidge running multiple scanners for Galra ships, just in case they had heard about the meeting. Allura stood at the controls ready to double wormhole, a tactic they found worked well in losing the Galra. They hadn't had any major run-ins with the Galra since Lotor attacked them. Something the crew was incredibly thankful for.

Though that didn’t do much to ease the Paladins’ worries or Lance’s for that matter. None of the other “contractions” had been as violent as the first, and Lance could get through them without a healing pod. Ruu kept reinstating that it wasn’t healthy for him to be having them so frequently. Bringing up the idea of keeping Lance away from the fight multiple times for his and the baby’s safety to Keith. They were able to slowly bring him around to the idea, although he still didn’t like it. This was not an easy task, but it was a memento as to why they were the new Red Lion Paladin.

The former Paladin of the Red Lion, sat in his and his mate’s room, packing a few of Lance’s things into a bag, preparing to be split apart once again. Lance sat on the bed, folding up Kit’s onesies into a bag for the Galra kit. The infant asleep in a mini nest of blankets beside the expecting male.

Keith glanced over his shoulder at Lance, drinking in the sight of his lover. His soft tan skin, which held its smoothness even with the lack of care Lance had been giving it, his short wavey chocolate brown hair that had started to grow out and probably need a trim. His deep cobalt eyes, which always reminded Keith of the midnight sky, relaxed and focused on the task at hand. Something that given current events made Keith feel more relaxed.

A small rumble left the back of Keith’s throat, pulling Lance’s attention to his boyfriend. The younger teen laughed quietly at him, a light red dusting covering his face. Keith’s tail flicked back and forth, his purr growing in volume.
“Knock it off,” the Cuban muttered, half hiding his face.
“But you look adorable,” Keith protested, pouting at Lance, still purring.
“Tch, dumb cat,” Lance smiled softly.
Keith crawled up behind Lance, “What was that kitten,” he whispered in his mate’s ear, wrapping his arms around Lance’s middle.
The smaller boy jumped as Keith’s breath tickled his neck, his face bright red.

"Isn’t being flirty my thing?” Lance stuttered.
“Yeah, but you’re mine,” Keith kissed the back of Lance’s neck, “and you’re leaving.”
“Keith we already discussed you’d call me every chance you got,” Lance smiled, leaning into his boyfriend’s hold.
“Yeah, but I can’t hold you through a screen,” Keith muttered, nuzzling Lance’s neck.
Lance just hummed in agreement, resting his head against his lover’s.

The pair sat there enjoying one another’s warmth and the soft comfort of the presence of the most important beings in the universe to them. Keith gently pulled Lance back, the smaller male compiling, as he was laid on their bed, Keith wrapped protectively around him, his tail sliding back and forth over the baby bump. A quiet chirp alerted the pair to Kit’s awakening. Keith wordlessly sat up, Lance attempting to follow him, but failing to sit up before the older boy returned with the baby, setting her between them. The little one yawning before snuggling against Lance’s chest.

Keith stared at the two, his heart swelling in his chest, that primal instinct he felt every time he saw the pair screamed for him not to let himself be separated from Lance and Kit. He pushed it down, cuddling with his family convincing himself that leaving them was the best option. Keith’s hands ran absent-mindedly through Lance’s hair. The other teen sighing closing his eyes resting against his boyfriend. His breathing steading and slowing, until he fell asleep.

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