Quatro 4

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Sorry this is a little late, I have a lot of shit coming up. I'm taking my ACT tomorrow, so wish me luck!

Also end of the chapter... Ha... You're not ready for it...


Ruu gripped Red's controls tightly, hoping to whatever decided fate they wouldn't screw this up.

"Relax Ruu," Keith smiled from his Lion, "You're doing fine."
"Yeah, they're doing better than Lance," Pidge joked.
"Hey! I can hear you!" Lance protested, "Plus, I wasn't in control the first time we went flying! That was Blue!"
"You were not the best pilot babe," Keith argued.
"Watch is senor, you might be sleeping on your own tonight," Lance glared over the comms.

Kit babbled angrily at Lance in protest.
"You don't get to boss me around," the former Paladin said, tickling and kit's belly, "Last I checked I was your Papa little girl, not the other way around."
"You sure you don't want her calling you Mom?" Pidge joked.
"Ha ha, you're  hysterical," Lance responded sarcastically.

"Perhaps we should focus," Allura suggested.
"Yeah," Keith agreed, trying to focus on the training exercise rather than his mate and their daughter being fucking adorable, "Astroid field is right in front of us, rules are similar to that of the maze, Ruu is going to fly through the field, I'll be guiding them through, Allura, Hunk, and Pidge will be trying to catch them. We'll run through this until Ruu gets to the opposite side of the astroid field, then Allura's up. We'll alternate between them," Keith stated, waiting for the okay from his team that they understood before shutting off his comms to Pidge, Hunk, and Allura.

"You ready Ruu?"
"Ready as I'll ever be," they sighed.
"Fair, now go!" Keith ordered, Red and Black shooting forward into the field, Blue, Yellow and Green on their tails.

Keith dove below the astroid field, leaving Ruu in their race against the other Paladins. They weaved through the debris, moving slower than they knew they could to keep from running into the astroids. Stealth was their forte.

"We're in the clear so far," Keith stated, "The other's are spreading out so you'll have to be careful and move a little quicker."
"I know, if they pass me they can cut me off," Ruu sighed, pushing Red sightly faster, edging out of their comfort zone with the Lion.
This may not have been the best exercise for them considering this was their first time flying one of the Lions.

However, they were pressed with time and taking it slow wasn't an option. Ruu bit their tongue and focused on not running into an astroid.

"Hunk's coming over you," Keith called.
Ruu urged Red faster, ducking under the astroids. Racing from one to another, knocking into a few smaller astroids as they flew.
"Careful, your only gonna get through this by fighting or running. I wouldn't chance getting into a fight yet," Keith advised.
"I know," Ruu sighed, "but if I go too slow they'll still catch me at the end. So what do I do?"

They was a moment of silence on the other end of the line.
"Make a diversion," Keith said.
"What?" Ruu frowned, not chancing a look at Keith's video feed.
"Knock a few astroids around, make some movement in the field. It'll make it harder for them to find you and you wouldn't have to worry about running into the astroids," Keith explained.

Ruu pulled Red to a stop, "Where are the others?"
"Past you now," Keith answered.
"Good," Ruu smiled, turning around.
"What are you doing!?" Keith called back to them.
"Making a distraction!" Ruu answered, shoving an astroid forwards into another.

They shoved multiple other space rocks into one another, creating a cascade of forward moving debris, and astroids. Ruu flying Red through the fast moving space rocks hurling towards the rest of the Paladins.
Keith laughed to himself, "Clever Galra," he smiled.

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