Neueve 9

221 13 14



This is gonna be a really bad chapter...

Just saying read at your own risk and plan to have to take breaks!


Ruu ducked, dodging Keith’s blade. The half galra dancing away from him, searching for an opening Keith wasn’t giving them. Coran very descriptively and animatedly made commentary on their fight which Ruu was blocking out. The two Paladins danced across the training room floor, to an less agile opponent Keith would have been like an angel of death, striking without mercy or remorse.

    He’d been this way in battle since the Paladins had separated from Lance. Always thinking of the fastest way to end a fight, never taking a chance, never missing his mark. Like the most lethal type of predator, he was a painful reminder to the Galra Empire of why many species never dared threaten Galra families. They all knew it was due to Lance’s absence, it seemed even the Galra knew. It was something Ruu could understand and relate to. Though they were considerably better at hiding their frustration with not having their mate. That didn’t stop them from letting loose on the sparing bots.

    Ruu ducked under Keith’s sword, catching a glimpse of their reflection in his black blade. They summoned their own Bayard, dual daggers forming in their hands. They made a quick swipe at Keith’s side. The sound of metal on metal screamed through the air. The head of Voltron spinning to try and swing his blade at Ruu. The other half Galra following his movement bringing their blade down between his shoulder blades, the bayard changing to its resting state as it clanked against his armor in what would be a killing blow from Ruu’s daggers.

    “And Ruu wins!” Coran hollered over the speakers.
Ruu sighed, “Does he not have anything better to do? I love him, honestly, he’s like family, but he’s been here for three vargas.”
“Think of it as conditioning,” Keith huffed, his bayard returning to its resting state.
“I’d prefer to have actual blasters firing at me,” Ruu muttered tiredly as Coran went on a rant about the fight.
“Lunch?” Keith asked.
“It’d be welcomed,” Ruu smiled.

The two half galra stripped from their armor, changing into more comfortable clothes. Ruu, having recently gotten newer, nicer clothes than the rags as Coran had called their old clothes on multiple occasions. They were still not used to the softer material of their black tanktop and the purple crop top, which made them purr the first few times they’d worn it, though they still kept their well worn brown pants. Pidge made a joke about Galra liking crop tops due to both of them owning crop tops, even if Keith didn’t fit in his jacket any more.

The male had also gotten some new clothes, though he kept his old fingerless gloves and kept his jacket around his waist, he’d gotten a new simple black t-shirt and jeans with a pair of old red and white shoes that Keith called converse. Ruu had gotten a pair of white ones just to try, they were not impressed by the thinness of the soles, but they liked the look and would still wear them.

After changing the pair made their way to the kitchen, quietly talking about their next planned trip to Olkarion which was still about a phoeb and a half away. Neither really caring that they’d seen their mates only a few days ago. Their conversation shifted from visiting their mates to exchanging stories about one another's mate, a topic that held both their interests throughout lunch. Keith even brought up stories of the few times he had talked to or worked with Lance at the Garrison. Even bringing up the time they ran through a rescue simulation together when they were younger and both crashed. Ruu about fell out of their chiar hearing what stupid things their eleven year-old selves fought about.

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