Chapter 12

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"So this is your old friend Christina?" Louis asked, his face a mix of rage and sadness.

"Lou.. I... I can explain," Eleanor rushed towards him, freeing herself from Chris's grip.

"Why would you lie to me El? If you didn't want to be with me then you should've just been honest about it!" saying that Louis stormed out and Niall followed him. 

Eleanor stood in her place shaking. Hundred thoughts circled her head. She repetitively cursed herself. She collapsed on the floor as Chris rushed next to her. He held her by her sides and tried to comfort her. He helped her stand up from her state. 

"Why did you have to lie to your boyfriend?" he asked as she calmed a little.

"I don't know... I thought that me meeting my ex would hurt him," she admitted.

"And you lying to him wouldn't?" he stated and Eleanor froze.

"I need to talk to him. I need to go!"

"I'll take you," he offered.

"No, I've to fix this!" she ran out of the diner. She called for a taxi but didn't get any, so she started getting frantic. She thought the one good thing that happened to her after years was snatched from her. And it was her  fault. She realised she wasn't far from their stop so she took her last resort- she started running down the streets. She pushed past people and was struggling to catch her breath but she ran. She didn't want to screw it up.

She finally reached the bus and breathed heavily. It was remotely quiet, so she thought everyone was asleep. She entered and searched for Louis. She reached their room and opened the door with all force.

"Louis, I'm so sorry, please listen to me!"

Louis sat where he was sitting and didn't even look behind when she came in. "What's left to say Eleanor?"

"I'm sorry I lied to you!" she came in front of him but he refused to look at her. She could see he had cried, he was upset. She hurt him.

"Why? Who was he?"

"That was Christopher, my ex-boyfriend from high school," she admitted and Louis shot up.

"YOU LIED TO ME TO GO MEET YOUR EX-BOYFRIEND?! YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SO NECESSARY TO HIDE IT FROM ME?!" he shouted and his grief was turning into rage. 

"Lou.. I thought you'd react.. how you are now," she looked at her feet.

"I would've understood if you had explained but no! You had to lie to me!"

"That's what shot in my head right at the moment.."

"So lying to me, keeping me in the dark and hiding things from me comes naturally to you?!" he spat before she could even finish. 

Eleanor slopped down on her bed, crying hysterically. She was defeated. She couldn't think of any way to make it right. Louis took a few calm breathes and sat down in front of her.

"Eleanor, we can't make us work if I can't trust you or if you can't have faith in my judgement. I'm not asking you to tell me everything you do. All I'm asking is that- please just don't lie to my face like that," Louis' words hit El like snowflakes on London winters. 

"I'm sorry Lou, I'm so sorry," she sobbed as he pulled her into a comforting hug. "I know you are mad at me but I never wanted to hurt you. I was trying to save you from something so small that I ended up screwing you up more."

"It's okay, babe, it's okay. I was mad but I just had to see it from your point-of-view," Louis softly whispered as he ran his fingers through her hair. 

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