Chapter 11

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The next few days went well. Shows in Ireland were a big success. Next two shows were in Manchester. Eleanor was ecstatic because Manchester was her hometown. That's where she grew up. Some of her childhood friends still live there. The night before they reached Manchester, she couldn't stop going on and on about that place and Louis tried to keep up with her excitement. 

The day before the show, Eleanor didn't have much work, so she went ahead to meet her mother. She wanted to keep away from her father but still she sent him a text that she was in Manchester for the next three days. She called her childhood friend Penelope and decided to grab some lunch with her.

"El, what's up with you and One Direction's Louis Tomlinson?" Penelope asked and Eleanor almost choked on her spaghetti. 


"You see, I'm a fan and I like to keep myself up-to-date. And, he's been seen out and about with this new stylist quite a few times," Penelope smirked and Eleanor blushed. Louis had told her that she can tell people that they were dating but she was still unsure.

"Sooo?" Penelope pushed and Eleanor gave up. She knew Penelope for long enough to know she wouldn't let it go.

"Okay, so, we've been seeing each other for a few weeks and it's going well..." Eleanor didn't want to elaborate.

"Holy fuck! I can't believe you and Louis fucking Tomlinson!"

"Yeah," Eleanor smiled, "working with them helps."

Penelope was just about to ask more when they heard the cafe's bells ring as the door opened. They turned at that direction and Eleanor's eyes widened. No no, it can't be- she thought. Before she could hide herself, the person had seen her. His eyes also widened and he walked towards her. 

"Well well well, is this Eleanor Calder?" 

"Hi Christopher," Eleanor rolled her eyes.

"You know it's Chris for you, Eleanor," he remarked. 

"I thought it was Chris for everybody Christopher," she retorted and Penelope smirked.

"Still so feisty?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Still so boring?" she imitated his eyebrow move and he slightly chuckled.

"Umm Chris, what you doing in Manchester? I thought you moved to Bradford," Penelope tried to handle the situation.

"Oh, I came to attend my father's fourth wedding," he said and the girls shook their heads.

"Who's it this time?" Eleanor asked. 

"Remember the last one? Trina?" he asked and the girls nodded their heads.

"It's her maid of honour. Apparently dad was sleeping with her the whole time, so he thought let's try marrying this one too," he joked and the girls laughed.

"I can't believe you still attend his weddings," Penelope shrugged.

"Well, he's paying for my uni, so..." he tilted his head. "El, how long are you going to be in Manchester?" he asked.

"For the next two days, but like I'm only free today."

"Anyways, I came here just for some coffee 'cause I gotta meet step-mom number 3 later but let's get dinner tonight?" he offered and the girls shared unsure looks.

"C'mon, like old times? The three of us?" he tried to convince.

"Oh no! I've to work at the diner at night," Penelope informed.

"So El? You said you're free today," he pushed.

"Will 7 be okay?" she asked and Penelope's eyes were at their widest.

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