Chapter 15

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"God El! I'm gonna miss you so much!" Liam pulled her into a hug as she broke the news to the rest of the boys. They were all seated in Louis' room. Eleanor was more than upset while telling them, they really had gotten close. 

"Really Eleanor, you've been the best stylist ever!" Zayn said as he side-arm hugged her and slightly pecked her forehead.

"Okay, save some for later. I am not leaving right away. Save em for my farewell!" she tried to joke.

"I can't believe you're gonna leave," Niall said on his way out.

"Don't worry, Ashley isn't leaving any time soon," Eleanor winked as that brought a smile and a little tinge of pink on Niall's face.

"Whatever," Niall rolled his eyes as the boys left and Louis shut the door.

"So, when do you leave?" Louis asked once they were alone.

"Next week, this day," she said, looking down. Louis cupped her chin with his finger and brought her face up to face his.

"El, we'll be alright."

"I know we will," she smiled small as she kissed the side of his mouth. 

Louis pulled her into him and placed kisses on her shoulder and lower neck. She inched her breathing as he nibbled on her ear.

"El, I am gonna miss you so much," he whispered between kisses.

"I will miss you, babe, so much," she slightly moaned as she slowly moved backwards. 

She held Louis' shoulders and pushed him on the bed. He didn't even complain as he sat upright. She slowly settled on his lap as sat too deep into his thighs. 

"I know you won't be seeing me for months but," she kissed his jaw as she started slithering downwards, "I know you can't forget me."

She knelt down in front of him as she bit open his jeans button. Louis smirked as he loved this side of Eleanor- he actually loved every bit of her. She pulled down his jeans and he came a little forward. 

"I love it when you get naughty," Louis said as she impatiently pulled his boxers.

"Well, you're gonna love it more," she smirked as she started teasing him.

Eleanor left trails of kisses ridiculously close to his hardened member. She almost went for it but shot her head up, making Louis impatient. She rubbed it the sides of her cheeks before she jammed her tongue into him.

Louis moaned with all that was in him. She played the wonders with her mouth as Louis fell on his back, but she didn't let go till she was done. 

"El, I.... I.. am gonna.." Louis tried to finish that sentence but couldn't as she wouldn't stop. He let his guard down and let go. As Louis picked his ending she also picked her pace, both done at the same time as she moved out.

She came up and lay next to him. He kept staring at the ceiling. 

"That.. that was... wonderful.." he said, slightly dazed.

"Thank you," she whispered coming closer to him. 

He pulled her into him as he topped her. "My time to return the favour," he smirked.

"Really now?" she smirked back as she sat up, making him sit on top of her. "But I want all of you."

She fell back on the bed as she stretched out her hand. Louis smiled at her as he nodded. He lowered leaving kisses on her hand as he threw his shirt away.


Three months. Two months passed since Eleanor went back to London. Her and Louis were really trying to make it work through face-times and regular texts. He had flew down when her cover launched. But that was also almost two months ago. They loved each other and were dying to say it but didn't. Somehow, both of them thought it would hold the other back.

Eleanor kept her phone down as she saw it was almost an hour past the time he was supposed to call. She wasn't shocked, it had happened before and she was very understanding. But, how long?- she wondered. Maybe he did too. 

She didn't even get excited and feel butterflies when her rang this time like it had done the first few times. She sighed as she picked her phone up and received his call.

"Babe, hi, we just got back from recording."

"Hmm good."

"You sound upset. All okay?" he sounded concerned.

"No, Louis, I wish all was okay."

"What do you mean?"

"You were supposed to call an hour ago," she sighed.

"El, I was busy, I just, I am sorry."

"I get it. But I would be happier if you had said that sorry when I picked up!"

 "I lost track of time."

"Louis I understand how busy you can get. I was on the tour with you for months. But all I want is that you understand my side of it as well!" she exclaimed. The other side went silent, no words.

"I try, Eleanor, I really do. But our timezones, fucked up. Our schedules, don't match. And at this point, I don't think our viewpoints do either," he spoke nonchalantly but the last words hit Eleanor too hard. 

"Louis, if our viewpoints don't match, then we'll never agree on anything," she whispered.

"Shit El, that's not what I meant! Sorry!"

"Which means whatever is happening is pointless. We are pointless," her voice was breaking.

"Baby, listen, it's not that bad. Let's talk it out," he sounded worried.

"Bye Lou-" she hung up.

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