Chapter 8

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The next day, Louis and Eleanor were busy stealing glances and smiling at each other whenever they got the chance. Their big show was the day after and Eleanor was deciding what shirts the boys would wear with Caroline- and God, they were so chaotic. She picked a leather jacket for Zayn when Louis walked in.

Eleanor didn't meet his eyes but smiled under the pile of clothes in her hand. 

"So, what do we have here?" he asked, loud as ever.

"Just pick something you like and go change," Caroline rolled her eyes.

"Why go?" saying that Louis pulled up his t-shirt and searched for some cool ones to wear tomorrow.

Eleanor however, checked Louis out without realising. She saw his clean bones next to his spine, his small stomach that somehow managed toned abs. His tattoos seemed somewhat, magnified. She stared at the tattoo across his sunken chest- then she realised- she was staring and anybody with eyes could see she was impressed. 

Louis saw the look on her face and smirked as she looked away. He tried to maintain eye contact with her as he put a shirt on. It was little big on him. He rolled the sleeves and buttoned it to the top. He checked himself on the mirror and turned to face Eleanor who was at the other side, arranging the mess Liam had created.

While Caroline was thinking what more could be done with the look, Eleanor just shook her head in disapproval. 

"Nay, not this," Louis announced and took it off, making Eleanor smile. Louis put on a half-sleeved t-shirt and didn't even turn to Caroline when Eleanor made an unimpressed face. He opened it and kept it aside. Caroline was a little suspicious. So, the next t-shirt Louis put on, Caroline followed his eyes.

She saw him look at her and her give him a "in consideration" look. Her face then lit up and she pointed at a denim jacket close to him.

"Umm so I was thinking," Louis looked at Caroline, "let's pair it with this." He put on the denim jacket and Caroline's doubts were proven right. She again looked at Eleanor who gave a thumbs up with a big smile. 

"I wear this or nothing," Louis announced and Caroline smirked.

"Of course, it's perfect, as long as someone," she turned to Eleanor who instantly started pretending to arrange the shirts, "approves," Caroline winked at Louis and his cheeks went a bright red.

That night, before entering her room, Eleanor stopped as she heard Louis' voice.

"Okay girls, don't kill each other!" he shouted.

"Then tell Daisy to stop hiding my dolls!" a voice of a girl, around 10 years old, shouted back.

"You broke the Sun on my model of the solar system!" another girl with the same voice, Eleanor assumed it was Daisy, shouted.

"It was and accident!" the girl defended.

"Lou, please, help!" a voice, little older than those, begged. Louis suppressed his laughter.

"Okay Phoebe, there are other ways, better ways to explain to your sister it was an accident. And Dais, give her her dolls back, she'll apologize. Won't you Pheebs?" he explained and Eleanor was impressed by the way he explained.

"I'm sorry, Daisy," Phoebe said. "It's okay," came the response, "I'm sorry too." "It's okay."

"Okay girls, give back the dolls and fix the sun while we talk to Louis," another, kind of teenage voice spoke. The younger ones ran away and the older ones groaned. 

"Lottie, it was easy, I thought you could handle it," Louis said.

"I'm sorry that I'm not the smartest 15-year-old!" Lottie complained and Eleanor gave an inaudible laugh.

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