Chapter 2

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"I said what I said!" Eleanor snapped. 

"Els- you need to calm down," Harry gave her a hopeless smile.

"Don't tell me what to do Styles!" Eleanor ate her noodles as she kept snapping at Harry on FaceTime. "Okay, okay," Harry resigned in trying to convince her that Louis wasn't as bad as she thought.

"So, what's up with your next modelling campagne?" he asked and Eleanor's face fell. "Well, I... they re-casted...I'm not in it anymore..." she was clearly bothered and Harry was sympathetic.

"Oh El, I'm so sorry," he said and she smiled a little. There was a momentary silence and Harry's face lit up. "I HAVE AN IDEA! "

Eleanor almost choked on her food for Harry's sudden excitement. "You almost made me choke Harold! But what is this idea of yours?"

"Why don't you work on our styling team on our next tour?!!" Harry squealed and Eleanor's eyes widened comically. "No....You can't be serious!" she said in disbelief.

"Seriously, I'll talk to Lou and the rest of the team. I think Lou was looking for a new assisstant because the previous had to be fired.."

"Fired?" Eleanor asked, gulping heavily.

"Yeah, she would constantly flirt with Zayn and...well....she really tried her luck to sleep with him..." Harry ran his hands through his hair. "And Zayn didn't mind?" Eleanor raised an eyebrow 

"Zayn's dating Perrie, El!" Harry reminded her and Eleanor face-palmed at her own dumb self. 

"Anyways, you tell me if it is a yes or not, then I'll talk to the team," Harry looked at her expectantly. "When do you start touring?" she asked, still contemplating the idea.

"Feb next year," Harry answered and Eleanor went into deep thought. It was already December and Eleanor needed some sort of stability. Touring was a year long thing, so it seemed like a good idea. But it was also heavily tiring and pressurizing too. 

"Is it okay if I let you know by January?" she asked.

"Umm...okay, think about it Els. But tell me as soon as you're ready...or not. Let me know by the 2nd week of January?" Harry asked and she simply nodded.

"Haz, Payno has called some meeting, he asked you to be in the living room in five minutes or else he'll....I forgot what he said" said a voice from behind and Harry looked up to see who it was.

"I said I'll make sure he won't be able to recognize himself!" another voice screamed from behind which was probably Liam. 

"Okay El, Niall and Liam are calling me. Talk to you later. Think about it."

"I will," Eleanor smiled, "bye Haz."

"Bye love, take care," saying that Harry disconnected the call and El shut her laptop off. She kept thinking about Harry's offer all night. 


It was already the 12th of January and Eleanor hadn't told Harry her answer. She had made up her mind days ago but she still didn't want to rush. Every time Harry asked her she said she needed more time. This is it then- she thought and picked up her phone.

El to Hazza - It's a yes. 

Hazza to El- Great! You can have a meeting with Lou Teasdale next week, she'll explain your work. I'm telling her it's a yes and I'll text you her contact details. Thank you so much Els!

Eleanor put the phone down and lied down. She was excited, she can't deny that. But she's nervous and anxious. But she can't wait, at all.


The meeting with Lou went well. Apparently, Lou has already hired an assisstant but Harry insisted her to take Eleanor on the team when she said yes. That was actually very sweet of him. Eleanor met Lou and her daughter, Lux. Lux is only a year old and absolutely adorable. Eleanor also met the other assisstant, Ashley. Ashley was around Eleanor's age and beautiful. She is taking a gap year and wants to start college next year with the money she earns in this job.

It was finally February and the tour was about to start. Eleanor met Harry the day before tour started because something urgent had to be discussed. He asked her to come to the residence all the boys shared. Harry welcomed her into the place and she was instantly annoyed by how messy the place was. 

"I know it's a mess but five boys are living here," Harry justified as he read her expression. "It's fine really, just tell me what is it that you called me here," she demanded. Harry didn't say anything and led her to the living room. 

Eleanor entered and saw Liam sitting on an armchair. He stood up and shook her hand, "you must be Eleanor, I'm Liam."

"And I'm Niall," Niall announced as he came in and briefly hugged Eleanor and she smiled. Zayn simply followed Niall in and Liam introduced him, "this is Zayn." Zayn smiled at her she smiled back.

"Where's Tommo?" Liam asked and Eleanor finally realised- SHE HAS TO SEE LOUIS EVERYDAY FOR THE NEXT FEW MONTHS!

"He'll be here soon, he's...getting ready," Harry rolled his eyes and Zayn smirked.

"AND HERE I AM!!" Louis shouted out of nowhere as he walked in the living room. "Jeez Tommo, slow there!" Niall complained. Louis scowled at him and then his eyes landed on a terror-striken Eleanor.

"Eleanor Calder- we meet again," Louis smirked as he stretched his hand out.

"Louis Tomlinson- unfortunately, we do," she shook his hand.

So,  how was it? I promise there will be more Elounor scenes in the next chapters. This was more of a filler. Wait till tour starts.😉😉

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