Can this be more?

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Y/n: this house is boring


You casually walk to the door and open it slowly. Not aware if the pain to come.

Y/n thoughts: hopefully its just d-



Y/n: HOW!?!?


Without any thought, you grab dabi's neck and start to heal him. The green glow from your hands make toga dumbfounded by its beauty.

Toga: wow...

Y/n: dabi will be fine but...can you catch m-

You collapse right into toga's hands as dabi falls on your lap. You aren't fully unconscious but it did take a immense amount of energy to heal him.

Toga: wow, you heal really fast

Y/n: th-thanks

Toga: want me to get you some water?

Y/n: yeah thanks

Toga goes to the kitchen and grabs a water bottle on the counter. She walks back and hands it to you. You are light headed and nauseous but, you will be fine.

Toga: so he's ok?

Y/n: yeah, he just needs to rest now

Toga: thats nice to hear

Y/n:...can i ask you a question?

Toga: depends on the question...

Y/n: lets move to the couch

You and toga lift up dabi and place him on the couch. You grab a nearby blanket and lay it on him. Sitting next to toga, you begin to ask all thats on your mind.

Y/n: what happened to him?

Toga: umm...shigaraki got mad at him for delaying the mission and grabbed him by his neck. Dabi also burned his arm off.

Y/n thoughts: so its my fault...

Y/n: why are you helping him?

Toga: i-...i was always seen as a outcast and a liar. I was called freak and i was hit. When i joined the league of villains...i felt like i could be myself without anyone judging me

Toga: dabi was one of those people

Toga: i have to repay him in some way

Y/n: so sorry

Toga: its fine, its all in the past now

Both of you sit there in silence as you await for dabi to regain consciousness. Its awkward but toga breaks the ice.

Toga: so you like Dabi?


Toga: i can tell with these things

Y/n: yeah...i guess i like him

Toga: i think the feelings are mutual

Y/n: you really think dabi likes me back?

Toga: well from what I've seen, its pretty obvious. When he fucks someone, he leaves them. But you're different...

Y/n: i dont know...

Toga: just agree with me

Y/n: okay then....dabi likes me too

Toga: Theres that confidence!!!

Dabi's eyes open as you were mid conversation. You and toga look at him with a worried and happy expression.


Y/n: thank god your alive!!

Toga: yeah!!

Dabi: toga

Toga: yeah?

Dabi: thank you...

Toga: DID...YOU SAID IT!!!

Dabi: thats all you get

Y/n: oh cm'on Dabi

You give dabi your puppy eyes and he looks more annoyed. Even though he just faced death, he's still a dick.

Dabi: thanks

Toga: yayy!!

Toga: ill leave you two

Dabi: good

Y/n: okay, thanks for everything toga

Toga: no problem!! If you need anything, ill give you my number

Toga leans down to you and takes dabi's phone. She punches in her number and gives it back to dabi.

Toga: CYA!!!

Y/n and dabi: bye

Now its just you and him left. Theres this awkward tension at first but its cleared when he asks a question.

Dabi: are you ok?

Y/n: yeah I'm good...are you feeling ok?

Dabi: yeah, a bit tired

Y/n: you should probably go to sleep, today was eventful

Dabi: where are you going?

Y/n: my home?

Dabi: why?

Y/n: cause i can.

Dabi: dont go.

Y/n: why!!!!?!?!?

Dabi: shigaraki is probably hunting you down...your safer with me

Y/n: is this your way of telling me you wanna cuddle with me?

When you said that, he averts his gaze. His cheeks are flushed with bright red.


Y/n: alright ill stay...lets go

Stockholm syndrome (Dabi x male reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora