4. Sleepover

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After our shower, we got dried and wrapped ourselves in fluffy dressing gowns. Sleepiness suddenly gravitated upon me, and I sat contentedly on our double bed. Vic was still in the bathroom, no doubt, putting some lotion on his luscious locks. Smiling to myself thought , I really do love him. Slowly, I pulled on some pyjamas that were screwed up in my (still unpacked) suitcase.

Just as I curled up on the confy matress, Vic entered the room with a purple towel covering up his hair, and wearing a pastel pink dressing gown that came up above his knees.

Biting my lip, I tried not to let a smile engulf my face. Vic didn't seem to notice, he continued to wander into the room, worryingly reminding me of an old woman from the sixties or something.

"What you smiling 'bout?" He said sassily, finally noticing me. My hand covered my mouth in an attempt to hide my smile. "You jealous of my womanly charm?" He said curtseying.

"Pffffdgahhahahahahhaaphahahhahahahha!" The laughter burst out of me as if I'd been popped like a balloon. Vic just smiled, and took the towel of his hair, beginning to brush it.

"Oh Victor, you so silly." I cooed randomly between chuckles, he responded with a raise of an eye brow, and set about drying his hair.

"Hmmmm." I pondered aloud, wondering what I could do to entertain myself while Vic sorted out his hair. Take it from me, he takes hours. I checked the time on my phone, 9:53.

Getting up suddenly, I strolled into the kitchen. Cupboard searching is something I often find myself doing when boredom catches hold of my mind, so I thought I would.

Hhm. Pasta? Rice? ...Cold and flu relief? Confused as to how both theses items were in the same cupboard, I moved on. Several spices met my eyes and stabbed at my nose a little when I opened the next cupboard, along with some bananas and cereal...Did I mention Vic was in charge of food?

Before I gave up completely due to my boyfriends lack of shopping ability, I saw it. Right at the back of the cupboard was a strange red box I didn't recognise. Picking up the package, I realised there was a post it note stuck to it, It read:

Hi Kellin and Vic! Hope you settle in well, here's a yummy treat to snack on!

Auntie Karen x

Wow. That was soppy. Curiosity took over subconsciously, and I found myself reading the box.

Ready mix brownies.

My hands started putting the box back, when suddenly my brain clicked.


I could almost feel my eyes lighting up with happiness as I tore open the box and started mixing as soon as I could find a bowl. We had had some 'proper food' earlier, so I thought late night brownies were definately a good idea.

They were going to take a long time to cook, so I sat and stared at them for a while, until I heard "Kelliiin I have a surprise!!" I was instantly concerned and slightly hopeful that he was going to come in without his dressing gown on but noooooo.

"I thought we could-oooooooh whats that smell?" He asked; his hair was now dry and falling in little ringlets around his face.

"I thought I'd make some late night brownies." I felt my mouth hanging open and I probably looked like this --> :D.

"YAAAAY!" He yelled, wiggling his hips a little, "Well, I thought we could do facepacks and have a little sleepover." He smiled sweetly at my disbeleiving face.

"Do we have toooooo?" I groaned.

"Yeeees! Come on, we can do it while the brownies are cooking!" He laughed a little evilly.


"Oh. My. God." I looked in the mirror at my face that was covered in green goo, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

Vic just laughed at me, and I felt my face tightening beneath the goo.

"WHAT IS THIS SHIT DOING TO ME?!" I yelled wanting to brush it off my face.

"KELLIN DONT TOUCH IT YOU WILL RUIN EVERYTHING!" He yelled back at me frantically.

"AGHHHH OKAYYYY!" I screamed back. God, I bet our neighbours loved us already.

"Come on lets watch a movie while we're waiting for the brownies and for our faces to dry." He smiled and pulled me by my hand over to the bed, once I'd got over the strange 'face pack sensation'.

"What do you think? Ummm, how bout this?" He said yanking 'Marley and Me' out of a bag full of DVDs I presume were his.

"Only if I'm allowed to cry on you." I grinned at him and snuggled into the bed. Vic rolled his eyes but couldn't wipe a silly grin off his face anyway.

After putting the dvd into the Tv (which also used to be his) he came and lay against me, as close as humanely possible.

We spent the rest of the night mucking around with Vic's weird face goo stuff, and eating brownies. Although, I must admit that we didn't really watch the film properly because we kept making out at every given opportunity...Whoops c;

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