9. Come home

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"...We are here sir." The words prodded their way into my imagination, and I slowly peeled open my eyes.

Eventually, my vision focussed and I saw an enourmous house painted in blinding white, standing very tall and proud. Tiny perfectly trimmed hedges sat outside the house just under the grand arched windows. Squinting upwards, I saw it was three stories high with black slate roof.

Catching me completely by surprise, the door swung open and I fell partially onto the grass beside me. I didn't even realise I was leaning against the window, caught up in the grandeur of the house. Before I could say 'ouch' the man who drove the car picked me up and helped me kindly out the door.

"Thank you." I mumbled, still feeling somewhat asleep.

I stood for a few moments in awkward confused silence, not knowing what to do, before the man spoke.

"This was your mothers house." He stated, as if that explained everything. Realising I was highly confused, he continued, "She left this house to you. I expect you will want to have a look around so I shall leave you to that, you can reach the ranch through the back garden." He bowed slightly and turned to leave.

"WAIT! I mean...what about her...husband?" The word chocked out my throat and something tells me I didnt do very well at hiding my disgust.

"He is no longer here."

"Oh...um- okay, thanks." I forced my legs to walk towards the house.


Soon I had found my way through the giant arched door and walked into the nearest room. It appeared to be a living room with posh looking sofas dotted around.

I could get used to this.

There was a tiny bar that linked a kitchen.

Vic would love this. Oh the cookies he would make in this kitchen and the cocktails he would get tipsy on.

My heart skipped, sending a shooting pain through my body.

I have to call him.

Instantly, I pulled my phone out my pocket and dialed Vic's number. It barely dialed once before I heard Vics voice.

"KELLIN WHERE ARE YOU I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH WHY HAVENT YOU ANSWERED MY CALLS?!" His voice sounded thick, like he'd been crying.

"Oh god...Vic. I'm so sorry." I whispered, the lump in my throat becoming painful.

He stayed silent.

"Look, I can't stand being away from you like this and I know it seems like I'm being a complete dick but please hear me out."

I went on to explain the email and the house and the ranch, and just everything that had happened in the last few days. Vic stayed silent the whole time.

"What I wanted to ask you was...Do you want to try coming out here and living with me?"

Again, he didnt speak. I was beginning to wonder if he had hung up and I hadnt noticed, but then he spoke.

"Kells I could never do that," that was all I had to hear before numbness decended on me, but it sounded like it hurt him to say it"I could never leave my familly, and college..."

Of course. What was I thinking?

"Sorry Vic, it was an unreasonable thing to ask." I spoke but felt distant from my words and put the phone down.

All my hopes and dreams crumbled into the depressing truth that I was alone in a country I barely new, and the person I love probably hated me.

All That I Know Is Gone {Kellic}Where stories live. Discover now