Chapter 6 - FEAST

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OLIVER WOOD POV - Gryffindor Quidditch Captain

As they entered the Great Hall, all the other Hogwarts teams were already there and dressed to the nines. The hall was decorated in different team colours; there were round tables set for dinner, and the staff table was replaced with a stage and a dance floor. Oliver and his team grabbed drinks from the nearby banquet table and started mingling with their fellow athletes.

Oliver was in a serious conversation with Cedric about Hufflepuff's upcoming match when the room quieted. Oliver turned to see the Durmstrang team entering.

All eyes were on them. The boys wore identical deep-red dress robes, but the collars were trimmed with fur. The only one that wore something else was Lyova.

"You're lucky to be partnered up with her." Cedric motioned towards her with the drink in his hand. "I've got the keeper. Nice guy but far away from looking that good." Cedric's words echoed in his ears as he took in Lyovas appearance.

She wore a strapless, floor-length dress that hugged at her waist and matched her team's colour, the hemline just sweeping above the floor. She had done her hair in long, loose curls. Beautiful. Nonsense. She was just a girl like all the other girls in Hogwarts. Oliver shook his head and looked away, spotting Professor Dumbledore, where used to be the teachers' table, raising his hands to quell the students.

"Good evening, students," he said. His voice wasn't booming, but it echoed from the walls, reaching every corner of the room.

"We are delighted to see you all here and would love to start the first dance with the captains. So please find yourself a partner."

Oliver sighed, rubbing his eyes. He hadn't planned on dancing at all. The last time he had to dance was years ago. The students around had already started moving while the captains of the teams looked for dancing partners. Cedric was the first walking to the dancing floor, guiding Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw teams seeker. She smiled at him, adoration in her eyes.

"Typical," Katie murmured behind Oliver, scowling. It was no secret that she had a thing for Diggory. Oliver was tired of her marvelling at his features while she was supposed to train.

"Come," Alicia nudged Oliver forward. He looked around to scowl but was interrupted by her grabbing his arm and dragging him towards the dancing area. Oliver helplessly followed her to where the other captains stood with their dancing partners.

"Hand on my waist," she hissed. Oliver followed her commands, make-shifted as the music began playing.

"Ow," Alicia exclaimed silently. "That was my foot."

"Sorry," Oliver uttered, trying to guide her through the other dance couples. Marcus danced with a girl from the Ravenclaw team as he hadn't any female players in his squad. He bored danced with her, glancing around from time to time.

Roger Davis had asked Angelina to dance while Lyova was accompanied by one of her fellow chasers. He outstood her a few inches. They looked like they danced all the time as they seemed to follow a straight dance pattern - almost choreographed.

MARCUS FLINT POV - Slytherin Quidditch Captain

The girl he danced with moved like a sack of potatoes. No grace at all. Every Slytherin would have done better. Marcus moves were stiffed as he tried to provide her as little attention as possible. He didn't even know her name—something like Hanna or Anna. Nevermind.

He glanced over her shoulder and watched Lyova dancing with Silva, the student he'd been partnered up with. He would make a decent Slytherin with his straight posture and the family background - quintessentially pure. Marcus moved his attention back to Lyova and let his eyes skate from her face, raking down her neck and exposed shoulders to where the dress began. The beginning of a faded-red scar adorned her shoulder.

LYOVA RASMUSSEN - A Durmstrang Quidditch Captain.Where stories live. Discover now