Chapter Six - Acts Of Service

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Hi, this was weird to write, I hate this, I can't just throw it away, so have it and do with it as you please.

Not beta read, we're all kinda busy and not writing at the right time at the mo. And I'm tired so probably sorry for the mistakes...

References to "Before you go" by Lewis Capaldi. Such a destiel song, I swear. Oh, and I think there's a small one to "Gold Rush" by Taylor Swift somewhere...?

Cas' pov is hard. Why is Cas hard? Cas is my favourite, he shouldn't be hard. Meh.

Anyway, I'm whining, let's just hope someone likes it.


"Hey! Whatcha doin'?"

"Hello, Dean."

Fuck, he hadn't seen Cas sitting at the table with Sam before he entered the kitchen. Not that it made a difference. Not that Dean wouldn't have come in if he had seen him. Because he isn't avoiding Cas. Why would he be avoiding Cas? That would be lunatic. Not like he'd been bitching at the guy for no reason at all the last time he'd seen him or anything. Which, as it happened, had been in this exact room. Not that that bothers Dean. Obviously not. No need for this to be awkward, either. Or for him to feel guilty as fuck. Which he doesn't.

Hehehe. Yeah, very convincing, Winchester. Well done, you.

"Dean, come on in." Sam waves him towards the table and he purposefully steers towards the chair next to his brother, diagonally set from Cas, who he's still so not avoiding, just in case you missed it the first time. "I was just telling Cas that Eileen called. She's gonna be back home in a few days."

Oh yeah nice. Teasing material. That's actually perfect. Making someone else uncomfortable to cover up his own nerves? Genius.

"Back home, huh?" He wiggles his eyebrows at Sam, putting on his best meaningful smirk.

"B-Back...I meant..." Sam grins wryly. (Ha. It's working.) "Back here."

"Mhm." Dean grins back and to his great satisfaction, Sam rolls his eyes.

"That's great, Sam", Cas says from across the table, capturing Dean with that damn soft voice of his, the sincere empathy seeping from his words. And yep, that was it with his short moment of cocky smugness, then. Back to pathetic self-deceiving mess it is.

Seriously. How's Cas doing that? Not fair, ok.

He watches how Sam rubs his neck as he actually blushes, not that Dean can blame him right now but duuude. Blushing. Sam's fucking smitten, and Dean can't help but be happy for his little dork of a brother. It's been a long time since he'd seen him go flustered like that over a girl. It feels nice. It feels...normal.

"Yeah." His brother smiles down at the tablecloth. "Yeah, it is."

"I'm sure you missed her." Cas is blunt as ever, but his tone is so kind and loving that you can't help but take his words for the display of affection that they are. Sam's eyes go wide for a second, but he smiles fondly at Cas and nods. It's just impossible not to when the angel is hitting you with...all that...Cas.

"Yeah, I...I did", Sam admits truthfully. And fuck, those simple words do things to Dean. Decidedly uncool things he's not ready to get into now, or later, or ever.

Fuckfuckfuck. Not good. Thiiiiiis is dangerous territory all of a sudden.

Okay, subject change. Come on, Dean, get up with something like-

Cas. I miss you too. I'm an ass. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I-

Nonono. What the actual fuck not like that. Hell...

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