Chapter Seventeen - Good For You

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Yeah, so, apparently I'm just taking longer for those last few chapters, I'm sorry, I dunno why.

But hey, it's Jensen's birthday!! Wahoo! (Here not anymore, but it still counts bc I say so)
And to celebrate that, I present to you a chapter full of silly, awkward, adorable family fluff! *sighs* They're so sappy and ridiculous yall...

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!


"Now." Dean grins at Castiel, leaning up to steal another kiss. "All I need is a little bacon, a little coffee, and a lot of you."

"Is that so?" Cas smiles down at him, an eyebrow crooked in amusement. "Well, how convenient for you that we can easily arrange all three."

"Shower first, though." Dean rolls reluctantly out of bed, following the demanding rumble his stomach has been producing for the better half of an hour. He taps over to the bathroom door, his bare feet making tapping sounds on the floor. He's still just in his boxers, but doesn't mind one bit when he feels Cas' eyes following him. The corner of his mouth quirks up into a smirk when he stops with one hand against the bathroom door, an impossible but impossibly enticing thought popping up in his head at the burn of that blue gaze on his skin. Damn him, that angel is gonna be the death of him.

"You...ah. You comin' too?", he says cautiously, deliberately keeping his back to Cas who he knows is splayed out on the bed -his bed, no, their bed- in the most Cas way (read: obliviously sexy way) possible.

"I don't require showers, Dean." (There. Oblivious.)

"Yeah. Yeah, I know. I just thought..." He turns a bit and tries to casually lean with his hip against a doorframe in what he hopes will turn out to be a suggestive manner, but fails miserably. Jesus, it's not as if he was flirting for the first time or something. He's very good at it. Usually. He's very good at it with random women in random bars. With particular angels on particular mornings...well, not so much as it seems.

The edge of the doorframe is biting into his hipbone and the arms he's crossed in front of his chest feel too heavy. And Cas...well, Cas is looking at him with his confused squint. Maybe he's wondering what exactly Dean's doing there. Dean's starting to wonder himself. He straightens up, clears his throat to cover up his embarrassment.

He could just ask. He could just say it and he's sure Cas would say yes, and if only to indulge him. It doesn't have to be a big deal. Geez, it shouldn't be a bid deal, after last night...should it? Maybe not. It is anyway, though. Because this is all still new, and this is Cas, and this is something Dean doesn't do. Dean isn't still there in the morning. Dean doesn't sleep spooning and cuddles and exchanges lazy kisses before getting up together. Dean doesn't stay and ask for shared showers after a night of lovemaking.

Except that apparently, Dean does all that now.

Right. Fuck.

He wants to do it. He can't do it.

"You know what, never mind." He just wants to disappear through the door as quickly as possible when a sigh from Cas stops him.

"Don't do that."


"Don't hold back", Cas says softly, and Dean closes his eyes with one hand against the door. "Don't shut me out, Dean. Not after this."

Dean turns, nods, bites his lip.

"See, I just thought it'd be nice, you know. Together." He tries to make it sound suggestive, inviting, but he can clearly hear the nerves seeping through his voice, and he knows Cas hears it too.

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