Chapter Twenty-Four - Epilogue

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Guys. I really can't believe we're finally here. Oh my God.
This is it. The ending. Ooof. When I started this back in November I couldn't have foreseen that this would become the longest fic I've ever written, and the quickest as well. And I couldn't have done that without you, seriously. The attention and love this fic received is still astounding to me every day, and all I can do here is say a big THANK YOU to all of you amazing readers. This has been such an amazing ride, I've had so much fun writing it and going on that journey with you has brought me an insane amount of joy. I feel like a better writer, I don't have to cry over 15.20 anymore (not daily, anyway) and I even found a couple of friends that I can't imagine not having in my life now (mhm, looking at you there, Charlie and Chels;)

Okay, after I got this off my chest...*wipes tears away*
I hope you enjoy this last little chapter and I hope it will give this story the round and satisfying ending that I anticipated. You guys are awesome, so with one laughing and one crying eye...thanks, love yall!!


On the first day of the rest of their lives, Dean and Cas will wake up not much differently than they did the last couple of months. Dean, half draped over Cas' chest, his head resting on his shoulder and one hand splayed out over his heart. And Cas, with an arm slung around Dean's wait to keep him close, breath ghosting through Dean's hair, their legs tangled together and still pleasantly aching from the previous night's activities.

It won't be the first time they wake up like that, and it will be far from the last. What will be new though are the rings on their fingers.

Cas had finally asked about them when they were alone and peacefully tucked away in their bedroom the previous evening.

"Is that my grace?", he'd asked and pointed to Dean's ring, swallowing hard because he was pretty sure to know the answer already.

Dean's smile was confirmation enough.

"Jack helped me."

"How does it feel?"

"Warm", Dean had answered. "Calming. Like having a piece of you with me all the time." Which, in fact, is exactly how it is. "I wanted you to have something similar, but I'm afraid it's not quite the same", he'd gone on with an apologetic shrug. "Could hardly use my actual soul or somethin'. So..."

Dean had reached for Cas' hand, traced his thumb over the ring before pointing at the middle part, a slightly rougher and darker-coloured stripe of metal, separated from the outer silver of the ring by two shallow grooves.

"See that?"

Cas nodded.

"That's...ah. That's a bit of metal that used to be part of Baby's old bumper. Had it still lyin' around after the last time I had to replace it. Could never bring myself to part with any of her stuff y'know. Thought I might just as well bring it to good use...might be stupid but..." He blushed slightly, eyes suddenly widening. "But don't think I'm trying to compare you to my car, because of course you're more important! Geez, I didn't really think this through." (Lie. He had thought about it for weeks) "Sorry, I just...couldn't think of anything else-"

"Dean." Cas has taken Dean's hand, stopped him from wringing them nervously in his lap.

"Yeah?" His eyes shot up, insecure yet hopeful, and Cas could feel a fond smile forming on his lips.

"It's beautiful", he'd told him truthfully, sincerely. "I know how much you love that car. Not the same way you love me, of course", he'd assured softly when Dean's hand twitched in his. "But she's been your companion, even your home for a very long time. I'm honoured you chose this as a symbol to represent your soul, something equalling my grace. It was very thoughtful."

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