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Austin's POV.

We arrived in Dallas yesterday. So I have the show tomorrow. I emailed the manager of the stage for the backing tracks for the songs I am going to sing. Most of them were going to originals and the last one I am going to a cover. 

I was going through some of the lyrics for the songs that I was going to perform. Of course dad didn't know about this. 

Soon enough I fell asleep with my guitar in hand. 


The next morning was hectic. I woke up to Louis yelling at someone in the phone. 

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes pulled a shirt over my body and went outside my room. I saw Dad standing there he was running his hands through his already messy hair. He was still in his sweats that means he just woke up. 

"No no no! I told you we cant extend the tour! Austin has school I cant take him with me on tour! He needs to attend his classes!" He says into the phone. 

There was a pause I heard some muffled noises coming from his phone. 

"No! I wont leave him home alone and I cant take him tour! Dont you understand! I am trying to give my son a normal childhood and you are not understanding that!" He yells louder causing me to cringe. 

Yet again there was noises coming from the other end of the phone. 

"We can split it okay? We will do the European part of the tour during his summer break" Louis says trying to be calm. 

"No! I am letting his sign that contract! He is only 15!" Dad says forgetting the fact that he was trying to remain calm. 

"No I will let him decide if he wants to sign it but not now. He is 15 and I will not let him get into this stupid messed up world at 15 when he is 18 he will get the choice" Dad says. 

What contract? Why must I wait till 18? What is going on?

"Fook off! This is my decision and I am not letting any of this happen. The tour will not be extended we will do the European leg in summer and my son wont sign any shitty contract you or anyone offers until he is 18 and it will be his choice" Dad says in the voice that says this is it no more discussion.

"Fine I will be at that stupid meeting of yours but know this nothing will change my mind on this topic" He grits before he hangs the phone up. 

Dad looked so distraught... I have never seen him like this. 

Before he can notice that I heard the conversation I go back to my room. 

My head was buzzing so many questions that I wanted answers for and so many theories about what is happening were all coming in at the same time. 

I need to take my mind of all this. I go and take a warm shower. As the water hits my body I feel my muscles relaxing. But I still dont know what was this about?

After my shower I went back to my room to change into some clothes. It was already 10... I had to be at the venue for the show tonight at 11 because we had a rehearsal for it. I spoke to Ross even he was going to be there for the show. 

It was at the moment that dad entered the room. He changed his clothes onto his usual style. His was better looking he combed it and stuff. You could still notice that he was pissed but it was slowly fading. 

"I have to get to a magazine interview I wont be back for lunch I might be late as well cause I have some other stuff to do" He informs me. 

I nod. I know what the other thing is he is going to that meeting that he was talking about. 

Dad stays a little longer hoping that I would speak more but he sighs when he realizes that I wont.  

"Okay.... You know I am just a call away" He says before he leaves the room. 

Niall's POV. (WHAT?!?!)

I arrived in Dallas a few hours ago. 

Louis is to stupid to see it. To see what Austin is saying so I guess I will have to show it to him. I look at the time it was 5 pm so that means there is an hour till his show starts. 

I remember that from when Louis went back stage to get Austin and Austin was talking to the lady saying that he would do the show... And as of now I know for a fact that he is there. Because I went up to his room but there was no one there. I went back to the lobby to wait for Louis to get back.

Just as I sat down to wait for Louis the main doors to the Hotel opened with Louis coming in looking more pissed than ever with Chase following him. 

"Louis mate here" I call out to him. 

He looks surprised at my presence.

He makes his way to me "Ni what are you doing here?" He asks. It was obvious that he was mad but he was trying not to show it. 

"Cant a guy just come to Dallas without any questions?" I ask with a chuckle hoping to lighten the mood. 

"What is it Ni? I am really tired and pissed" Louis says in a weak voice.

"Okay okay I need to take you somewhere" I say.

"Niall I am not in the mood" He says to me.

"But this is really important trust me on this okay?" I ask him. 

Louis sighs before he says "Okay"

I couldn't help but grin. I just hope this doesn't back fire on me...

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