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Okay I have been really bored so I made a Austin and louis collage. What do you guys think?

Austin's pov.

"Well would you look at that she sent the little good for nothing to beg" he laughed.

I was about to say something but she cut me off.

"We told her to abort you. But she did not listen and now you ruined her perfectly good life." She spat in my face.

"All you are is a mistake and a disgrace to the family. Not just you but the both of you." He sneered.

"Why are you still standing here? Get out you embarrassment!" She yelled.

I shot up from my bed. Breathing heavy. But started to calm down when I realized that I am not anywhere near them. But those words were still in my head.

You ruined her perfectly good life,

All you are is a mistake and a disgrace to the family.

Get out you embarrassment!

Well that was not a dream. A dream is something you want to achieve. But this was more like a being reminded of a bad memory.

That day was one of the worst. And trust me I have a some really bad days.

That was the day when the land lord came over threatening to kick me out of the house which did happen eventually if I did not pay the rent in time.

I really did not have anything to pay with so I went to the only family I have. My mum's family. I never really met them in my life. That was the first time I met them and hopefully my last. When I went there I thought that they might understand. But I was wrong they wanted nothing to do with me or mum. All they saw us was as a disgrace and embarrassment to the family. I did not expect that at all. But it was after that day did I know what really happened.

My mom told them that she was pregnant. They immediately wanted an abortion because I wasn't apart of the plan they made for my mum's future. But when my mom refused they kicked her out and never spoke to her or even acknowledged her presence.

At the end of that day I realized that they are stuck up idiot who have no heart. They refused to help even after they found out that their own daughter had cancer.

As much as I hate them and know that I shouldn't listen to the Shit they say I can't help but think maybe I did ruin mum's life. Maybe I am the reason she never became a photographer or achieved any of her dreams 

At that moment I felt like my room was much bigger and all I was is a small speck. This was one of the reasons I hated being reminded of that day. I start to feel alone and I just cannot sleep if I am the only one in the room. I don't know why but having someone near you or something just gives me comfort.

I looked over at my phone and saw it was 4 in the morning great all I got was 4 hours of sleep for the day. I could feel how tired I really was but I knew that I won't be getting sleep for tonight.

I sigh and take the sheets of me and go out my room and to the kitchen to get some water.

When I was going back to my room Louis's room caught my eye. Maybe I could sleep there I thought.

What no! You cannot sleep in his room! Another part of my head said.

But you are really tired and you could sleep the other part of my head said.

After a long battle in my mind I decided to sleep in his room cause I was dead tired and I really wanted to sleep.

I go into my room grab the sheets and make my way to Louis's room.

I slowly open the door at the exact moment freezing breeze hits my body.

What the hell why does he just not go live in Antarctica cause his room was freezing!

The room was slightly light with the light coming from the streets and other buildings through the window. I could see the couch there in the corner of the room.

I went over and literally wrapped myself in my sheets and was knocked out.

Louis's pov.

I groan waking up to my alarm that I being the idiot I am forgot to turn off the night before.

I sigh before rolling over to get out the bed. When I saw something I thought I would never see in this life time.

There he was fast asleep on the couch. He was wrapped up into a little ball and was fast asleep not bothered by the alarm. I could not help but let a small smile take over my face.

I had no idea why he was sleeping here but I did not care.

I looked at the time it was 9:30. I felt really hungry. But that is when I remembered that Jenifer went away for the weekend to spend time with her daughter who just came down for the weekend from college.

That means I will making breakfast. Maybe this time I won't I will make something edible.

I really don't know what to right in this author note. So..

Enjoy the gif and love ya ;)

Enjoy the gif and love ya ;)

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