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YELLOW" chapter nineteen

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" chapter nineteen... "
( 💛, 🩹, 🐝, 🍋, 🍯, 📒 )

ELLE SIGHED as she watched her friends get the shit beat out of them. wincing when allison gets hit across the face with a clawed hand. they were attempting to take a scroll out of a silver finger of a japanese mafia boss. and it was going horribly wrong.

"you have the eyes of an alpha, but where's the strength?" scott couldn't answer with his wounds, and so the twins answered for him, jumping down from the balcony and attacking the omega werewolf. she was so not in the mood to defend everyone.

"hey, asshole! why don't you pick on someone your own size?" she stepped forward from behind the wall, as did lydia to run and check on allison. she stopped forward menacingly, her eyes glowing a deep purple as she looked on to the wolf. today was not the day to fuck with eleanor erikson.

"you're so tiny. what can you do to me?" he looked down to her with a menacing grin, one that elle was so ready to slap off of his face. what people didn't know about the unusually smiley girl, was that she had endured trauma that had left her permanently angry. and she knew when and how to use that anger.

"do you know what happens to a kettle when you put too much boiling water in it? it explodes." she let out a battle cry, before lifting stiles' bat out of the bag on her pack, and beginning to attack the wolf with it. scott was a true alpha, and he was unable to defeat this wolf, but eleanor erikson was saving her boyfriend. and was so much stronger.

"piece..of..shit!" she continuously beat him over the top of the head with the bat, sending the wolf to the ground so that her wounded friends could help her. she was so done with supernatural creatures thinking that they could get the better of her. she was supernatural too, and she would show it.

"that's enough! we went too far." eleanor knew her limit, but the twins didn't. and when they began attacking kincaid when she had gotten him to the ground, she had to make a point of stopping it. before they killed someone else. they reeled off about how dangerous he was. but they were so much worse.

"he looks smart enough to remember that." kincaid was bleeding from multiple places, and on his knees in front of the pack. something told eleanor that he wasn't about to come looking for another fight with them. especially not with her.

"let's go save stiles." he poured the scroll into the palm of his hand, sharing a look with allison, and smiling softly. they were going to save her boy, for good this time. he was going to be okay. ethan tucked her under his arm, smiling down to her as a reassurance that they'd be okay.

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