chapter i

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"you either fight for what you love or lose it. your choice" - unknown

 your choice" - unknown

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IT HAS BEEN A COUPLE YEARS SINCE WE SAW OUR DEAR WINNIE WHITE. A lot had changed and a lot had happened. Her, alongside the rest of the Avengers, fought an evil robot which was created by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, whilst simultaneously, Sam, Steve and herself searched for Bucky Barnes.

The three of them have been searching and searching hard find him, hell, they'd even sent Sam halfway across the world a heap load of times but alas they had had no luck in finding the poor soldier. It was like he was a ghost with how well he was hiding

And I know what you might be thinking, didn't she say that she couldn't force him to stay with her? Technically... Yes, yes she did and she still felt the same way about it but after she and Steve talked about it, he was able to convince Winnie that the best thing to do was keep tabs on him and hopefully take him in so they could help him.

Steve was taking it pretty hard. He felt guilty that Bucky had been tortured and turned into a mind slave. Although he was hurting, knowing that his best friend was out there somewhere alone, Steve tried to pretend he wasn't bothered by it. He is Captain America after all, not allowed to show how he was really feeling.

But let's not focus on that, especially when there's a fight about to go down in a certain city called Lagos, situated in Nigeria.

It's about time to kick some evil-Rumlow ass.

Winnie sat at one of the small cafe tables, taking a sip of her tea. Definitely, British, that's for sure. She had a pair of sunglasses and a blonde wig on, trying to hide her identity.

Natasha and Wanda were nearby, both of them incognito as well. All three of them were looking out for any suspicious behaviour. This mission was sort of training for Wanda; Winnie and Nat were leaving it up to the Maximoff girl to find anything out of the ordinary.

After everything that happened with Ultron, Pietro sacrificing his life and Wanda joining the Avengers, Natasha and Winnie had been training her, trying to help her control and use her powers for the greater good.

The White girl and Wanda turned out to be pretty good friends and actually had quite a few things in common. Both of them had gone through a pretty tough life even though both instances were quite different.

Winnie was there for the Maximoff girl, taking her under her wing and making sure she was okay. The two had spent many nights together, sitting and eating ice-cream whilst watching movies and talking about their feelings, confiding in one another.

"See anything?" Winnie mumbled into her comms whilst bringing the mug back up to her mouth.

"Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target," Wanda answered, her thick Sokovian accent prominent.

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