chapter ii

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"a daughter should not have to beg her father for a relationship" - unknown

"a daughter should not have to beg her father for a relationship" - unknown

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WINNIE WALKED ALONG THE VERY FAMILIAR PATH, HER HEART RACING A MILLION MILES A MINUTE. To say that she was nervous would be a massive understatement, timorous, scared to the bone, terrified would seem like better synonyms to use.

It had been years since she had been here, a decade even, and yet she knew the directions like the back of her hand. The redbrick buildings that all looked the same with the alcoholic renters and the smell of rotting meats. Definitely hadn't changed since she last saw it.

To be honest, Winnie was dreading doing this. She had even postponed it as much as she could so she wouldn't have to do it but after many friends pushing for her to do it, Winnie finally got the courage and went to do what she had to do.

Winnie walked up the steps, memories from her past flashing in her mind that made her heart ache; something that it did way too often for it to be healthy. She tried to go as slowly as she possibly could, stretching out the time she had to prepare herself.

Maybe it wouldn't be that bad? Oh, who was she kidding, of course, it was going to be bad. She knew who she was going to go see after all and she doubted they had changed at all.

As she reached the door that she hadn't been in for over a decade, Winnie took in a deep, shaky breath. She could feel her hands shaking a little bit and her stomach felt like it had tied itself into a knot.

It was now or never.

Raising her hand, she let her knuckles knock against the wooden door. Winnie waited for a few moments, listing for any sign of movement, however, none of the sorts showed. Just when she was away to turn away and leave, she heard the sound of a chain rustling and the door swing open.

Winnie forced herself to look up at the man that appeared at the door, her stomach twisting even more. He hadn't changed much, apart from the extra wrinkles, his hair which was more grey and the bags under his eyes seemed to have gotten bigger.

The man had to double-take what he was seeing in front of him. At first, he was confused to see a young brunette girl standing at his door in a very formal outfit; he didn't remember getting a prostitute but that thought went right out of his mind when he realised just who it was.

From the last time he had seen her, she had fairly grown up and matured. No longer was her hair long and slightly untamed, her clothing was no longer flowery and bright. The only thing that looked the same was her eyes, still the same shade and still looked sad and in pain, as the last time, he had looked into them.

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