Looking at the Stars Above

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In the Chamber of Fate, I put a coffin and put Whisper's body to the coffin. We weep while praying that Whisper does good in her afterlife.

"We're so sorry." I weep, quietly. "So sorry that you are dead. I couldn't think about more. And you. Dead... it's bad to think about it. It's already begun to rise and shine as the crowd in the Arena... loves the duel. Jack... he..."

"Jack?" Thunder cries.

"Jack of Blades of the Court. He did something wrong. We 3 had to fight. I saved Whisper but he..."

"Hovernyan. The speech."

"Oh... Ahem... as new life rises in the night, we discovered the power of the stars. I am very sorry that it comes to this far that you lost the glow. I wanted to share this moment with you... but it was too late. I don't know what to say. I want to let you know that we are there for you. And now, we will give you a moment of silence."

We stand up. And look at the stars. The tears flow in my eyes. We salute to Whisper.

Then, Weaver puts a note on Whisper and salute as well.

It reads:

Dear Whisper,

We are sorry that you died. May the heavens give you a lovely gift and a smile on your face. We trusted that you can or can't be ready for a death. Like this.

We know you have grown up so well to be a hero. But now, it leads to a goodbye. We miss you a lot and I hope Suiren Kisaradzu misses you a lot. We hope that you will get stronger in afterlife as a Yo-Kai. Goodbye, our wonderful Whisper.

Yours Sincerely, The Heroes Guild

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