The Very First Quest

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At the Lookout Point, Suiren follows the man to the picnic area. While I saw two people arguing to each other.

There is no other way but to give a strong shock to two people at the same time. I thought to myself. So I walk to the people and scream. "ORA!" And two people just jump up screaming in fear. It worked, but which one is innocent?? So I talk to the bully. "You... stay off the beggar. Right now." I then command.

"Are you that person's friend? I saw that person and he bullied me when we were children!" The bully caterwaul.

"Yes," I explode darkly, "now get off, or taste my ball of energy made of my magic!" I summon a ball of energy. The bully runs away and I coat the ball.

"Thank you! You saved me!" The old adventurer praise. "You made my day special! Because you came here!"

"Y... you're welcome," I grin, "I do have such strong voice. Even I do yell 'objection' so many times."

"Spike! You thought I would run? No!" The bully brags.

"Objection!" I yell. "You thought you would win?" I then summon the ball again. "Out! I said GET OFF! And OUT! OUT! Oh and keep this." Calmly, which mirrors my anger, I then put a water bottle in his mouth. The bully is nervous that if he keeps on bullying, I would shut his mouth. So he left.

"Whew. That takes care of him. Yet, I thought he was gonna make me cry." The old adventurer smiles.

"But I made him cry. Thank me later." I smile back and wink at the nice old adventurer.

"I'M NOT GONNA GO BACK UNTIL I KILL SUIREN!!" The bully cries as he runs to the Bowerstone South.

"SWALLOW IT!" I yell. But that sentence makes the old adventurer laugh. Which, I thought it didn't make sense. But then again, that bully did swallow water... did he?

"Ha haha! Funniest line I've seen in years! You've earned my thanks, Hovernyan. I'm sure you'll make many friends in your travels. Perhaps we'll meet again, Hovernyan." He says with a smile. I wave happily.

Looking back at the entrance to the Picnic Area, I dash over to where the battle is. But when I get there, I see a big wasp. A big... "QUEEN WASP!" I yell as I quickly save Suiren from further injuries from the Queen Wasp. The fight was too easy though. I help him use the arrow and then I begin to use magic around the wasp. Bringing it dead.

When the wasp died, I raise Suiren's hand like a real hero. People cheer Suiren name and I can't help but to laugh inside while smiling.

Back to the Lookout Point, we walk to the Guild, to inform the Weaver about the progress.

"Hey Weaver, Suiren did well fighting in the Picnic Area." I smile.

"Ahh, good, but there's something I must tell you. There is another quest card for the boy to do," Weaver nod, "he has a choice to protect the farm or to attack the farm. I wish him luck to Suiren. He is going to need you though."


"But first, Maze needs to see you at the Bowerstone South. You possibly have past it as you walk."

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