Hovernyan is... Darknyan

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When I pose, everyone had their mouth OPEN! Everyone was surprised that this was going to happen.

"So, what! What do you think?" I snap. "I thundered my transformation and everyone saw that!" Just like that, everyone but Twinblade falls down to the ground. "W... what??" I then mumble. I suddenly to feel regret that everyone didn't know I am a dark hero. But, still, looking brave enough.

"She said a Guild-puppet would come and here you are. My blades have been dying to meet you." Twinblade brags. "They haven't been fed for days. You don't look much of the meal though. Draw your blade, Guild-puppet. Let's see what you're made of."

"I... I..." I argue. "I object!" The bandits boo to me. "What the hell? That is not what I'm not to hear! But a boo like that? Worst reaction ever!" I lit up a stream with blue star magic. "Well, go for it! I am transformed and got nothing but Blue Starstreams. But this means a new magic. Darklight!" I suddenly, feel, powerful.

"Stand back, lads! Twinblade wants a word with this little hero!" One of the bandits cry as the bandits get into the circle and boo at me. LIKE WHAT?!

"Well, if you want to see it, GO FOR IT!" I darkly rage as the jet-black magic glows. "What... something is happening to me..."

Just like that, the black magic goes to my paw as I close my eyes. And the magic glows. I open my eyes and raise my magic paw up high.

"Soultimate!" I yell while spinning around while hovering to the sky. Then I stop spinning as I look down to Twinblade. "Night Claw!" Wait. But I didn't say the speech yet! I slash my claws and the blue magic flies straight to Twinblade. No way, that's my final attack when I'm Darknyan! I am discovering new powers!

"This is dramatic... Hovernyan is?" Theresa whispers as she hugs Suiren softly. I scream and dash to the magic, converging my powers of Strength, Skill and Will as the light splits to 3 lights. "He turned into 3 lights..."

"What is he doing?" Twinblade yells as the bandits utter annoyingly.

"Strength! Skill! And Will!!" I yell. "The 3 disciplines of the true hero!" The lights begin to swirl around me. "And with the power of darkness, this... is what it is to be DARKNYAN!" The pink light started to push Twinblade with such huge strength. The yellow light uses such speed to kick Twinblade and blue lights start to reveal me as I converge the pink light and yellow light to make the light glow black. "A jet black claw that slashes you out in the dark night! That is my soultimate. Night Claw!"

"You... you were no Guild-puppet."

"No. I am the emissary," I thunder, "Of DARKNESS! I MAY NOW PROCEED TO CLAW YOU ONE LAST TIME!" I holler as I claw Twinblade with my whole body de-transforming as Hovernyan and he faint with a scream. I then, look at everyone. I also saw Theresa hugging Suiren and bandits stopped moving. Then the bandits cheer at me.

"I never saw a Yo-Kai transform as a magical boy." Maze calls in Suiren's seal. "Wait. Are you alright? I am here to take a request for you. There is an old friend of mine in the Witchwood. Can you please help my friend?"

"Yes" Suiren nods, while breathing, being comforted by Theresa.

"Thank you. I knew I can count on you." Maze smiles as the call ends.

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