You and I

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Yeah yeah... we know that already. Jack of Blades... is back. Don't panic though. We know what Jack would do.

Killing me.

I teleport to the Bronze Gate. I walk and bump into it.

"OUCH! Aya... what is this..." I then gasp. The gate... was... big. "EXCUSE ME?!" I yell. Yes, I know it's really giant and I... shouldn't be surprised when I see it again from the second time. This Bronze Gate is apparently the way to the place we don't talk about.

"HEY! OVER HERE!!" Briar calls me. I run towards her, founding myself to these 3 strange... inscriptions. "Hey, glad you're still with us. These inscriptions are fascinating, you know. Everything indicates that Jack's new form will emerge from behind the Bronze Gate, and this structure is the key to opening it. But it looks like it will take the souls of 3 heroes to activate the mechanism. These things are never simple are they? It doesn't want just any Heroes either. The first instruction calls for "The King of the Arena" no less."

"The King of Arena?" I ponder.

"I suppose you could chop your own head off, but then there'd be no one for me to order around, would there?" Briar states since Suiren's friends doesn't know about Jack.

"I don't know anything about Jack." Ayame says with her hand raised.

"Me too." Sakura calls.

"Me three." Yuri calls.

"Who would I be if I had no helper?" I raise my hand as well.

"Why don't you pay Thunder a visit?" Briar clicks her fingers as she has an idea. "He knows the Arena inside and out. I've checked with the Guild and they say he's in Knothole Glade. You've still got Jack's mask haven't you? Good. You'll need to trap the souls. I still can't believe he might not be dead. Anyway, I better start researching the second inscription. Sakura, Ayame, Yuri, follow me." The three nodded and they start investigating.

"That means you and I had to go for it again." I nod at Suiren.

"Yes little hero, I'm back and our business is not quite finished."

"AH!! MY HEAD!!!" I scream as the familiar voice echoes to my Guild Seal.

"It's not just your head! We can hear it and it's so horrifying!" Ayame screams.

"You destroyed my sword, remember? Have you any idea how many centuries I spent looking for it? But it's worth is done. Soon, I will have power beyond your imagining. And you... will be the first to die."

"It's angry... and I know it is looking at me." I then whisper to Suiren. "Ugh... let's teleport to the Knothole Glade while we can." I sigh as I teleport myself and Suiren to... Knothole Glade.

In a middle of teleporting... I once open my eyes to see, my transformed self.

"There you are. This is where we might say, "we don't know what to do" and that sort of stuff." My reflection shrugs.

"Apparently, yeah. And I don't know what to do. And I feel... so nervous." I sigh. My reflection then holds my hand with such soft feeling.

"Jack is going to kill us. And soon, he might kill our friends. But, we are the same body, same mind, same... uhhh..."


"Yes... everything. But while you are talking to Thunder, I must warn you this. Make sure to let Suiren follow you. Jack might turn things around of our goal, and that would be the BIG problem. Remember that... Hovernyan." My reflection departs with his final words for now, and we are finally here at Knothole Glade.

"Now look, I won't tell you again, we don't need a Hero. For the first time in years we aren't being attacked, sieged or kidnapped by anything." The man spoke out to Thunder as we walk to see what happened. "Now leave us alone!" The man left and the gates are closed.

"Suiren... you. Briar Rose said you would come." Thunder informs. "I will tell you what I know. If it will get you out of my sight. We were both once called "Kings of the Arena", but there have been many Heroes in the past who have claimed that name. You should search in the bloody dust of the Arena itself. They say the souls of past Champions haunt it, resting in the place of their greatest achievement. Now go. Unless you're here to take my soul. You've taken everything else..."

"Why go all the way to the Arena? You have a perfectly good soul right in front of you?" Jack then informs us on an alternative path.

"Suiren!" I yell. "Do NOT listen to Jack. Whisper was dead... and now you're going to kill Thunder? Listen to me, that ain't gonna happen. Listen to me. We have enough griefs! Whisper, Maze, and no one else ok?! Just go to the Arena and let's claim Whisper and the other Champions' soul on the Arena. Just go to the Arena."

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