Trader Escort

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With courage, we enter Darkwood to escort the traders. I can already tell Suiren has boasts. He is naked, he can do it without a scratch and wants to make sure all traders are safe.

And suddenly I feel... warm. I couldn't believe my belt glowing for the first time... Hestia said that one day, in the dark, with the moon's power, I'll awaken my powers with my belt and she was right! The power of the moon... I couldn't believe it. I have my powers! The strength, skill and will are in me now. Without question... I glow up as the moon shines brighter as I am.

"Power-up!!" I yell as the red and blue lights swirl around me. I feel the magic around me... and I can feel Avo touching me like I'm a god. Then, the power explodes as I release pink, yellow, blue and green light. I land on the ground and see myself. I was born to be a hero. And I am. My powers are here. I look at the enemies looking towards me. Then I ricochet off all materials only twice. The second time is stronger than the first since I hold my strength to kick the balverine. "No more balverines. Never!" Using light powers to blind the enemies, I continue to ricochet the enemies till I look around my surroundings, remembering all the enemies are dead!

"He's... powered up!" The traders gasp as I look at my hands that is still warmed up in light.

"I... I am a hero."

Encountering the 3rd trader, we realise he was bitten by a creature and he wants to be cured by the light. Suiren decides to escort 3 traders, even if it means to quickly escort fast.

"I got an idea." I beam.

"What?" The traders question. I take off my cape and put it down to the ground.

"My cape will fly us to the light while I cure all traders. Suiren. Use your magic to fight the enemies. Ok? Now let's go!" I yell with excitement. As the cape flies. We cheer as we ride to the Barrow Fields. I perform Heal Life to cure and heal the traders.

"Best ride ever!" All the traders yell as we ride through Darkwood. A good magic carpet ride is a good idea to go to the light quickly. The moon shines bright and as we are in the moon, I awaken my disciplines of Strength, Skill and Will. I glow bright enough that enemies are blind and dies. As we go through the troll, I slice the troll in half, making the troll die.

As we reach through Barrow Fields, the cape on the ground. And we sigh. We are all healed up and the third trader is cured. We jump up high as a celebration as Suiren's 3rd quest card is complete.

There is this one day that I went back to the Barrow Fields. And I am SO SHOCKED that Suiren left to Twinblade's Camp and... Maze left. And I'm alone in the fields?!

"Well, muffins for me alone then." I sigh.

As I go to Oakvale and sit on the bench. I look at the muffins and I see everyone wants some... I laugh at myself. Well, it wouldn't hurt to give them muffins. So I give everyone muffins. Leaving one. For me to eat. Suddenly, Yuri sits next to me.

"Well Hovernyan, if it isn't you. You are Theresa's friend. Right?" She smiles.

"Y... yes," I nod, "I am Theresa's friend. I know who I am. I am a hero... that Hestia said one day, when the full moon shines in full darkness, I'll awaken my powers."

"Wait... what?"

"Yes. I know. But still, you must be Yuri from Suiren's past. Right?"

"Yes. I am Yuri Kigawa." We both stare at each other... blushing. Not having a crush... just staring like we are two friends. "So, Hovernyan. How is the boy now?"

"Good. He is a Hero of Oakvale. And I bet you know it that I? I am a helper. But he may not need my help. But, he got 3 boasts which is shocking."

"Yikes." After we finish our muffins. We have lots of conversation skits. "Ok, better go now. Hope to see ya again."

"Ok, Yuri. Bye!" We wave our hands. And then I fly up to Twinblade's Camp. Where the bandits are.

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