Having Dinner for a New Start

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It's the end. The end of the Court. The final day... to celebrate. Suiren comes out as a transgender woman. Yuri and Suiren married together, becoming lesbians. I transformed back to Hovernyan and become an actor in Albion and perform many productions. The day we celebrate the defeat of Jack of Blades is perfect.

"I have to go!" I yell. "I've decided to go on my own for my dream. Thank you... thank you for everyone you've done for me. I'll be waiting for you in the next train."

"Sick! You did well!" Yuri, who is now Suiren's wife, cheers as she comes up. The audience applauses. "I knew you can do it! I better tell Suiren about this!"

"Thank you Yuri." I smile. I look at my red cape. And touch it. It feels like water. "You will never know when I am here. You saw me on my casual form. But, you have never see me transformed before."

Yuri touches my cape as well. "Yeah. I don't. But, Albion made a history of you. You are Darknyan. The Birth... of the Nyaight."

"The Birth of the Nyaight..." I exhale. My name is Hovernyan. I am 16 years old. And I am the Nyaight that saved Albion with my good friend, Suiren Kisaradzu.

"You suck!" Someone brags. "You, jackahhh... no wait. Wrong person."

"Ehh what?" Emily pardons.

"It's Thunder." I suddenly sigh. "We didn't revive Whisper, nor Scarlet Robe, nor Brom, but we saved Theresa. She was hiding on the Heroes' Guild Library." Suddenly, I saw two people waving at me. It's Sakura Beniyama and Ayame Kurogi.

"Hi Sakura! Hi Ayame!" I smile at them.

"Hi Hovernyan!" Sakura and Ayame smiles back. I try to start the conversation, but I got interrupted by a flash of my belt.

"Hovernyan!" Weaver calls out. "April's got the fire heart. And we need you, Ayame, Sakura and Yuri to come."

"Us 4? Ok. I got it." I nod. "Sakura, Yuri, Ayame... get ready. You are now coming with me. I will take you guys and Suiren to the lost bay. But first..."

At Suiren's house, I cook food for Suiren and her friends.

"Alright. I present you with rice with roasted seaweed, kimchi, eggs and bulgogi. Have it if you like!" I smile.

Ayame, Sakura, Suiren and Yuri takes a bite of the kimchi. It tastes good.

"Any plans what to do before fighting?" Sakura asks.

"I have the katana, the bow and have magic. This should sort out... well." I answer as I hold out the Relic in the heroic way. I then sit back down and eat. Like nothing ever happened. We never have to go out in dungeons since we defeated the Court. Really though? Yes. I hate the Court so Jack of Blades got what he deserved.

"So." Sakura halts. "You said Jack is still alive... right?"

"Yes." I inhale. Angrily. "It's like I never seen this before. Just during the time and yet, whenever you are ready. We can begin by fighting the enemies. I hate when enemies go to the ship... we must do this together and use the Fire Heart at all cost. That way, we can do to the Lost Bay. Together."

"Oh and Suiren," Yuri says, "she got this." Suiren shows the lightsaber holder. But turns out to be a hose.

"HOSE?!!" I screech. Then I lower my voice volume. "Why the hose??"

"I don't know why Suiren got this hose... I guess..."

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