The Oldest Soul

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Scarlet's soul is in the inscription. We smile as we nod at Suiren.

"I'm sure your mother would be proud. Now, there's just one inscription left: 'The Oldest Soul'." Briar informs us. "But we still haven't figured out who that might mean."

"Oh, come now. We both know who it is, dear Briar. You can't protect the old fool any longer." Jack informs us of the one path. "It's the Guildmaster the Shrine wants, Hero."

"Guildmaster. But that's not true right? We are definitely not going to do that. No. No. No! No. Just no!" I yell.

"Jack!" Briar gasps. "So it really is true. He's alive. And still up to his old mind games. I hope the Guild acolytes can come up with a better idea. You should go back to the Guild and speak with them."

"Good thinking." I nod. "Suiren. Go with me. Ayame, Sakura and Yuri, you'll stay." I command as I teleport to the Heroes' Guild.

"Oh it's Hovernyan. Welcome back!" The guard smiles. "This place's been a mess since you left. People running around with bits of old paper, books flying everywhere... and the Guildmaster's only gone and holed himself up in the Guild Woods."

"Is he depressed or something? Can I help?" I question the guard.

"Oh, you can help it's just... Guildmaster he... let's say we're not supposed to let anyone near him."

"We've found it!" A member cheers as he tells us the information. "The soul mentioned in the inscription! It must be Nostro! His soul has been trapped in the Lychfield Graveyard for centuries. Our texts suggests it should be in the Graveyard Circle, you know, where you found the tunnel to Bargate prison."

"Catching souls? Never heard such a nonsense.." The guard sighs.

"Well, good luck Hero!" The member smiles as he waves at me.

"Thanks!" I smile. Then I get my serious face on and call Ayame.

"Sup?" Ayame says on Briar's seal.

"Change of plans, you, Sakura, Yuri and Suiren must help the Heroes' Guild of the mess. I will head to the Lychfield Graveyard. It's time I know about Nostro."

The Birth of the NyaightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora