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I watched as people left the party one by one. Soon enough,the lot was empty, except for a few other cars. Then,there was only two left, mines and that of Beam's. I checked my phone, he still had not reply. In that moment, I wondered if he has truly cut ties with me. Then he finally walked out, I broke out in cold sweat. I watched from my car, as he walked out with his friends. He glanced in my direction, I turned on my head lights so he could see me.

He glanced at me, in fact we he stood there simply looking at me. Without much thought, I was going to wave him over. Instead, I sat frozen there while he turned around and walked back to his car. This is new for me... pursuing someone that is. Aside from P'Park who made the first move, I have never made a move on no one before. It took a lot for me to send Beam that text. The moment he got back in his car with his fries, I knew that was my cue. * I guess this is it...* And so I drove off without looking back, until I got home. Then I sent him one last text, " for what it is worth, I never once saw you as just a friend. I love you BEAM BARAMEE",this is the closure I needed.


After dropping off Ming and Kit, I went back to my dorm. I couldn't fathom why P'Lam was packed outside. Who was he waiting on? Aside from the people that run the bar, all the students had left. Except Ming , Kit and I, was he waiting for ME? I quickly took my phone out and it was 3am. Then unblock 'Lamb'' as I had stored his number as. It was him, it always has been him. Even though it was a mistake with me ending up with the wrong number , us meeting the way we did never was.

So I sat on my bed, reading all the text that have been sent in for a couple of days from Lamb. Then I saw the most recent text from him. Without much thought, I grabbed my car keys and set out on the road. It didn't help it had started raining, by the time I got on the highway 🛣 it was pouring and not raining 🌧. The streets were almost flooded with thunder and lightning. I don't know why, but all I wanted now was to get to P'Lam.

I arrived at his house, the gates were locked. I called his phone but there was no answer. So I honked my horn. I kept honking, but with the heavy rain fall and the thunder and lightning ⛈. It muffled all of it, so I did the next sane thing I could think of. I jumped over the wall, run over to the main door and started banging on the door. " P'LAM!!!!!😭 ... P'LAM!!!" I called out his name, then the door opened. But it wasn't P'Lam rather P'Forth. " Lam is not here... he drove through this storm... to YOUR place"-P'Forth.


When I left the packing lot I didn't go straight home. Instead, I found myself in front P'Park's place. I stood in front of his door contemplating whether to knock on his door or not. Then it began to rain, it started off as a drizzle then it began to pour. What am I doing here? I don't know what came over, but I sat back in my car and kept driving. Where to? I didn't know but I just kept driving until I was in front of N'Beam's dorm.

I watched and listened as the rain pita-pata on my roof. My mind was blank, until I heard my phone going off. I quickly answered it, thinking perhaps he finally came to terms and read my messages. Then I heard a Forth's voice on the other end. " He came looking for you. Where are you Lam?"-Forth asked. Beam! I felt a tear run down my face. " Without hesitation, I told him you were at his place. Am I right?" He asked and I could feel his smirk through the phone. " Stay put... Wait for him..." was the last thing Forth said to me and then hung up.

*Beam went looking for me 🥲* I got out my car, walked over to the main entrance. As I sat stood about , in mere minutes I heard foot-steps heading in my direction. Drenched in rain, panting for air was N'Beam. He looked at me and screamed " YOU WERE WRONG FOR KEEPING ME AWAY!!!😠". I wanted to say something, but I choked up on my words. He run to me in tears, pounding on my chest with his balled up fist. " YOU SHOULD HAVE STOPPED ME FROM LEAVING EARLIER ON. WHY!!! WHY!!!😭" he said with tears.

I hugged him tightly, and whispered in his ear " I was wrong, forgive me. I thought I was doing the right thing". He said nothing, but simply wept into my shoulders. " Us meeting was never a coincidence, it was destiny. And I was a fool to run away from my DESTINY" I said stroking his now damp hair. " Let's go inside and talk, you are too wet. You can catch a cold" I said. He pulled his head off my shoulder and nodded in agreement and lead the way.

"... to YOUR place..." was all I could hear after P'Forth open the door. I didn't even bother to hear what else he had to say when I hopped into the car. *He went looking for me? He is such an idiot!!* I smiled at the thought, but then the sight of him leaving the parking lot resurfaced in my memory. Was he going to give up, if I had not turn on my phone. How long did he plan on staking out in front of my dorm.

When I arrived at my place, I saw his car but he was nowhere in sight. I quickly packed my car and dash for the entrance. Then, there he stood by the elevators. My heart felt so heavy and a sudden surge of emotions erupted in me. ".... WHY!!!" Was all I could think of, so that's all I yelled at him. While I wept on his shoulder, he hugged me tight. In that moment, my heart felt at ease. In his arms I felt safe, and everything felt right. Then he asked we go inside and talk. The moment we walked inside, he turn led me around , leaned in and locked his lips with mine. I closed my eyes, and kissed him back. We broke off the kiss to catch our breath. " I AM NEVER LETTING YOU GO, AGAIN!!"-P'Lam 🥰

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